Retail/E-Commerce Industry Use Case

E-Commerce continues to grow at an astonishing pace over the past few years. NCache delivers extreme application responsiveness and amazing end user experience with flexible deployment options. NCache has versatile use cases ranging from site-speed improvement, better user session management, and always available stack. NCache will also be a critical factor to handle heavy user load on Black Friday and any other surge load days.

To supercharge e-commerce, you need to make it fast, highly available and super scalable as much as possible and you can do that by moving into an in-memory data platform like NCache. Online stores and any consumer-facing retail store applications must be designed, built and maintained for peak performance. NCache helps meet high-speed transactions and real-time analytics demands. Improved Page load times and extreme performance of applications give added advantage to cutting edge leading e-commerce stores. Our users tackle e-commerce scalability, performance and data reliability issues using NCache.

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Explore how E-Commerce can take Advantage of In-Memory Data store, NCache:

Smart User Session Management

In order to deliver the best user experiences, e-commerce stores must address session storage for web farms. Many E-Commerce solutions today are also deployed in a multi-region datacenter configuration. Such requirements can be met using NCache - distributed cache for storing ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core Sessions in web farm. NCache provides a powerful and feature-rich ASP.NET Core Session Service that you can use. NCache handles extreme transactional load by allowing you to add more cache servers at runtime and scale linearly. NCache also provides intelligent session replication so you don't lose any ASP.NET Session State if a web server or a cache server goes down. NCache benefits also include cross-region session scalability, high availability and reliability with improved performance .

Blazing Fast On Site Search

NCache can resolve e-commerce site-wide slow search issues. NCache is actively being used by e-commerce stores to modernize their website's searching capabilities. High-speed access to your data from in-memory distributed cache makes the searches to happen extremely fast. End customers expect and want the search to be as fast and efficient as a google search. Current legacy technology has limitations that it doesn't work in a multi-server/multi-process environment. NCache can make searches happen blazingly fast without worrying about scalability and you will have ease of maintenance.

Product Catalogs and Distributed Cache

Digital retail leaders are looking for next-gen datastore platforms to build and run modern web and mobile applications. Relational databases are unable to keep pace in meeting agility, affordability and performance requirements of their applications. NCache is an elegant solution to leverage linear scaling. NCache's flexible datastore allows runtime updates to entire product catalog in a distributed and consistent manner. Fast search is possible on in-memory stores data in an SQL-like object query language that NCache provides. And Microsoft's Language Integrated Query or LINQ for .NET based applications. This helps save expensive database trips and intern improve end user experience.

Real time Analytics & Customizations

It’s important for e-shopping stores and merchants to analyze user data runtime and personalize user's shopping experiences on the go. Consistency in shopping experience is also needed across multiple devices, mobile, web, and store. Real-time comparisons against competitor catalogs and pricing analysis are also needed in real time to give best-customized offers on the fly to shoppers. For dynamic pricing and customizations to happen in real-time, e-commerce stores need to store data in memory to provide microsecond latencies while performing millions of transactions per second. NCache has unique features making it perfect choice in building scalable e-commerce systems which can perform real-time analytics and customizations. NCache can also complement an existing system of record and enable extreme performance and scalability.

On Demand Scaling under Peak Loads

E-commerce businesses need to be ready when lightning strikes. Peak loads and surge demand will happen and they must prepare and plan accordingly. As peak loads and traffic scales, the data store must support dynamic scaling and clustering capabilities to load balance and optimize performance. Not to forget real-time analytics and consistent end user experience needs whether it’s full load or normal load. NCache makes clustering easy and its smart caching capabilities help you meet peak loads and on-demand scaling. NCache has self-healing and dynamic clustering capabilities based on peer to peer cluster architecture making sure you get 100% uptime without data loss. You can add or remove cache servers at runtime without stopping cache or application downtime. Client applications automatically detect and reconnect to a different cache server if their server goes down. Lastly NCache hot apply configuration changes has advantages to make your cache cluster adaptive to surge needs and normal loads.

What to Do Next?

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