Bridge Config
This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise edition.
Bridge configuration file contains information regarding all registered bridges.
It is installed with NCache and is located at [InstallDir]/config
. bridge.ncconf is used whenever you add an existing
bridge in NCache Manager. All bridge related configurations are stored in a
single bridge.ncconf file. User can change the configuration of a bridge either
from NCache Manger or from bridge.ncconf file.
Bridge.ncconf file is explained below:
<bridge-config id="b1799_AP" bridge-nodes="," num-bridge-nodes="2"bridge-active="" bridge-port="10029" opt-timeout="60" src-cache="" topology="active-passive" replicator-virtual-queue-size="10MB">
Bridge-config Id: Is the bridge identifier. Bridge cache will be known by the name you will specify here. This is the same name as you specify while initializing bridge.
Bridge-nodes: IPs of Server nodes involved in making up of this bridge.
Num-bridge-nodes: Number of servers involved in making up of the bridge node.
Bridge-active: This represents the active node in the bridge.
Bridge-port: Port number on which the bridge is hosted.
Opt-timeout: (Operation Timeout) Timeout time after which the bridge will consider itself disconnected from the connected cache(s).
Topology: Specifies which topology does the bridge follow, it can be either one of the following as provided by NCache:
- Active-Active Topology
- Active-Passive Topology
- Hub-Spoke Topology
- Star Topology
Replicator-virtual-queue-size: It is the size of a virtual queue for the replicator that replicates data from bridge to target cache.
<log enabled="True" trace-errors="True" trace-notices="False" trace-warnings="False" trace-debug="False"/>
NCache maintains a log file to write traces for information and debugging
purpose. NCache is providing different type of traces as shown in the above XML
tag. Using these tags user can enable\disable the various traces. By default
only “Error” trace is enabled, rest of the traces are disabled. Error trace does
not affect the cache performance but for other traces we recommend not to enable
them in a production environment as they affect the performance of NCache. Here
log files for each cache will be created at [InstallDir]/log-files
location which contains information related to the
enabled traces.
<queue optimized="False" size="500"/>
Size: Specifies the upper limit of queue size in MB. The amount of items in queue is limited by the maximum queue size and amount of free memory.
<perf-counter enabled="True"/>
Perf-counter: It is used to enable Performance counters.
<cache cache-id="replicated cache" status="active|passive" servers-list="," bulk-operation-size="500" enable-compression="False" connection-retry-interval="3"clear-target-cache="True" heart-beat-enabled="True" replicator-virtual-queue-size="10MB"/>
Cache-Id: Is the cache identifier.
Status: Is the status of the cache connected to the bridge. It can either be an active or passive depending on the selected topology.
Servers-List: Server nodes comprising up of the cache clusters.
Bulk-operation-size: Specify an upper limit on the size of the bundled operation that is to be replicated on target cache.
Enable-compression: To enable compression while sending operations on its Target Cache.
Connect-retry-interval: Specifies interval between the two consecutive retries to connect with target cache, if not already connected.
Clear-target-cache: If "true" it will clear the target cache on bridge service startup.
Replicator-virtual-queue-size: It is the size of a virtual queue for the replicator that replicates data from bridge to target cache.