Configuring Security for Cache Management
After you have created cache, security for management operations can be configured in following ways:
Using NCache Manager
In NCache Manager, go to Security menu option and select Security Credentials option.
Security Credentials dialog will open.
Provide the valid credentials for your active directory like name of Domain Controller, Port (optional), User Name and Password.
Click on the Verify Credentials button. It will prompt success or failure messages. If provided security credentials are correct then it will display the success message like this:
Click OK.
Now go to NCache Manager ->Security menu option again and select Configure Security option.
Security Configuration Wizard will open. Specify the server IP address for which you want to configure the security and click Next.
Security Configurations Wizard will open.
Expand the Available Domain Users. It will list down all of the active directory users.
Select users from the users list and then add the required users using ‘>’ button. These users will be allowed to manage the caches.
Check the Enable Security checkbox to enable the security.
Click Finish.
Using Windows PowerShell
cmdlet configures server node level security so that administrative and managerial tasks can be performed.
The following command adds administrator john_smith in security.ncconf on node and it will be allowed to add management operations.
Add-NodeSecurity -EnableSecurity -NodeName -AdminUserID john_smith -AdminPassword yourpassword