Using NCache Entity Framework Core Caching Provider
The following section explains NCache’s supported APIs for EF Core Caching Provider. These include LINQ APIs, cache only APIs, and provides flexibility for specifying caching options.
In This Section
Caching Options for EF Core Provider
Describes the options to configure the cache and cache items using NCache’s
caching features like expiration.
LINQ APIs for EF Core Caching Provider
Explains and provides examples for the LINQ APIs supported by EF Core Caching
Cache Only APIs for EF Core Caching Provider
Explains and provides examples for Cache Only APIs supported by EF Core Caching
Provider which perform operations only within the cache and not the data source.
Query Deferred APIs for EF Core Caching Provider
Explains and provides examples for Query Deferred APIs supported by EF Core
Caching Provider.