Initialize Cache
After successfully plugging in NCache in your JCache application, a cache instance is needed to be created to perform functions on the cache. In Java, applications can also interact with NCache by using provider for JCache API included in NCache. The JCache API provider provides a convenient method to initialize the cache instance.
- Include the following packages and their libraries in your application from NCache install directory.
import javax.cache.CacheManager;
import javax.cache.Caching;
import javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider;
Initialize Cache
The most convenient method of getting a cache’s instance in Java is to use getCache
method of JCache CacheManager’s provider by NCache. You can get an instance of already configured cache by using its name (unique identifier) as an argument to getCache
//Create an instance of JCache's caching provider to get JCacheManager's instance by NCache
CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
//Get a cache from manager via its string name.
javax.cache.Cache jCache = manager.getCache("mycache");
catch(Exception ex)
// handle exception
Obtaining NCache API's Cache Instance
NCache's API provides more flexible and convenient caching features as compared to JCache's API, so to utilize them you need to have an instance of NCache API’s cache.
In this example JCache API’s cache instance is used to get NCache's cache instance by means of simply using its unwrap
//Create an instance of JCache's caching provider to get JCacheManager's instance by NCache.
CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
//Get a cache from manager via its string name.
javax.cache.Cache jCache = manager.getCache("mycache");
com.alachisoft.ncache.web.caching.Cache cache = null;
cache = (Cache)jCache.unwrap(Cache.class);
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle exception
Initialize Multiple Caches in a Single Application
For this exercise it is necessary for both the caches to have been configured previously and also be in the running state.
//Create an instance of JCache's caching provider to get JCacheManager's instance by NCache
CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
//Get a cache from manager via its string name.
javax.cache.Cache jCache1 = manager.getCache("mycache1");
javax.cache.Cache jCache2 = manager.getCache("mycache2");
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
Initialize In-Proc Cache
The operation used to initialize an in-proc cache is similar to that of an out-proc cache except for the fact that the in-proc cache is not in a running state, however an in-proc NCache cache (local/clustered) can also be created by the means of using JCache API’s provider by NCache, where the created cache will not be saved in any configuration file.
Make sure to add the following package to your caching application in order to create aN in-proc cache:
import javax.cache.configuration.*;
//Create an instance of JCache's caching provider to get JCacheManager's instance by NCache.
CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
javax.cache.Cache jCache = null;
//For creating a cache with management enabled.
CompleteConfiguration<Object, Object> cacheConfig = new MutableConfiguration().setManagementEnabled(true);
//For creating an in-proc cache.
jCache = manager.createCache("mycache", cacheConfig);
//For already existing inproc cache in NCache.
jCache = manager.getCache("mycache");
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
Initialize Cache Using CacheInitParams
lets you edit the values of the properties at runtime. In the following example, we change the RetryInterval
and ConnectionRetries
properties. Subsequently, the application will use the values specified in CacheInitParams
rather than the ones specified in the client configuration files.
CachingProvider provider = Caching.getCachingProvider();
CacheManager manager = provider.getCacheManager();
//Get a cache from manager via its string name.
javax.cache.Cache jCache = manager.getCache("mycache");
com.alachisoft.ncache.web.caching.Cache cache = null;
cache = (Cache) jCache.unwrap(Cache.class);
// Initialize cache using CacheInitParams
CacheInitParams ciParam = new CacheInitParams();
// Initialize the cache
cache = NCache.initializeCache("mycache", ciParam);
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
Initialize Remote and Client Cache simultaneously
If separate calls are made for both caches the local cache does not behave as a client cache instead it functions as an independent local cache.
In order to use the existing local cache as a client cache we recommend that the following method is used instead of making separate initialization calls.
This API would return a handler of the remote cache synchronizing all operations of the client cache.
cache = (Cache) jCache.unwrap(Cache.class);
cache = NCache.initializeCache("myRemoteCache", "myClientCache");
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
See Also
Add/Update in Cache
Fetch Items from Cache
Remove Operations in Cache
Hibernate Caching
NCache Java Session Module