This feature is only available in NCache OpenSource edition.
enables the user to generate the configuration as an output, which configures read-thru and write-thru providers. The configuration can either be displayed on the console or in the file specified.
Write-BackingSourceConfig [-AssemblyPath] [-Class ] [-ProviderName] [-OutputFile] [-Parameters] [-ReadThru] [-WriteThru] [-DefaultProvider] [-NoLogo]
- The following command generates the configurations to be added to configure read-thru provider for the class SqlReadThruProvider from the given assembly on the path specified.
Write-BackingSourceConfig -AssemblyPath "C:\Program Files\NCache\samples\dotnet\BackingSource\Providers\Sql\bin\BackingSource.Providers.Sql.dll" -Class Alachisoft.NCache.Samples.Providers.SqlReadThruProvider -ReadThru -ProviderName sqlreader -OutputFile d:\sqlreaderconfig.xml
- The following example generates the configurations to be added to configure write-thru provider for the class SqlWriteThruprovider on the console.
Write-BackingSourceConfig -AssemblyPath "C:\Program Files\NCache\samples\dotnet\BackingSource\Providers\Sql\bin\BackingSource.Providers.Sql.dll" -Class Alachisoft.NCache.Samples.Providers.SqlWriteThruProvider -WriteThru -ProviderName sqlwriter
The command displays the following output on the console.
- The following command generates the configurations to be added to configure read-thru provider for the class SqlReadThruProvider from the given assembly on the path specified using the specified default provider.
configuration is recommended only in case of multiple providers.
Write-BackingSourceConfig -AssemblyPath "C:\Program Files\NCache\samples\dotnet\BackingSource\Providers\Sql\bin\BackingSource.Providers.Sql.dll" -Class Alachisoft.NCache.Samples.Providers.SqlReadThruProvider -ReadThru -ProviderName sqlreader -OutputFile d:\sqlreaderconfig.xml -DefaultProvider sqlreader
- The following example generates the configurations to be added to configure write-thru provider for the class SqlWriteThruprovider on the specified path using the custom provided parameters.
In case of multiple parameters, separate the key-value pairs with '$' sign.
Write-BackingSourceConfig -AssemblyPath "C:\Program Files\NCache\samples\dotnet\BackingSource\Providers\Sql\bin\BackingSource.Providers.Sql.dll" -Class Alachisoft.NCache.Samples.Providers.SqlWriteThruProvider -WriteThru -ProviderName sqlwriter -OutputFile d:\sqlwriterconfig.xml -Parameters 'connstring=Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=***'
Note: The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.
Parameters | Data Types | Description | Default Value |
-AssemblyPath* |
<String> |
Specifies the path of the assembly which will be configured as a backing source. | - |
-Class |
<String> |
Specifies the fully qualified class from the backing source assembly which implements ReadThru/WriteThru. | - |
-ReadThru |
<SwitchParameter> |
Specifies if provided backing source is configured for ReadThru. | False |
-WriteThru |
<SwitchParameter> |
Specifies if provided backing source is configured for WriteThru. | False |
-ProviderName* |
<String> |
Specifies the provider name. | - |
-DefaultProvider |
<SwitchParameter> |
Specifies if provider is default provider. | False |
-Parameters |
<String> |
Specifies the list of the parameters passed to the backing source provider '$' separated e.g. key1=value1'$'key2=value2'$'... | - |
-OutputFile |
<string> |
Specifies the path of the output file in which configuration will be written. | - |
-NoLogo |
<SwitchParameter> |
Suppresses display of the logo banner. | False |