Read-Through Caching
This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise Edition.
NCache framework will use your custom read-through provider to communicate with the back-end data source. Here, you have to implement your custom logic to load data from the configured data source. In Read-Through Caching, NCache will call your provider to load data from the data source behind the get call, in case of a cache miss.
NCache provides a performance counter for Read-Thru Operations per sec.
In clustered caches, where multiple servers are involved, read-through provider will be active (initialized) on all cache server nodes but read-through operations will be performed by the node which receives get operation according to the topology.
Do not make cache calls to the same cache for which Read-Through is configured. This can cause recursion and halt the normal working of cache.
In This Section
Read-Through Provider Configuration and Implementation
Explains the IReadThruProvider interface and provides a sample implementation for the interface.
Read-Through Usage with Cache Operation
Provides samples to use Read-Through with basic and bulk operations in NCache.