Modules Config (modules.ncconf)
Parameters updated from this file will be shown in the NCache Management Center and populated in the config.ncconf after the configuration has been applied to the cache. Similarly, the parameters against the added modules are also loaded from the modules.ncconf file.
Modules Config Syntax
The modules configuration file is explained below.
<module name="lucene-net-4.8" title="Full Text Search Index" Description="Full Text Search Index or Lucene Indexing Module is a distributed solution for Lucene.Net. This feature is only supported for Partitioned-Replica and Partitioned topologies. Enabling this feature will allow you to use Distributed Lucene API for Text-Searching." assembly-name="Alachisoft.NCache.Lucene.CachingModule.dll" class-name="Alachisoft.NCache.LuceneCachingModule.LuceneCachingModule" full-name="Alachisoft.NCache.Lucene.CachingModule.dll">
<parameter name="IndexPath" value="[NCacheInstallDirectory]\bin\modules\data\lucene" Description="By default, index directories are generated at [NCacheInstallDirectory]\bin\modules\data\lucene. If you want these indexes to be generated at a different location, please specify a valid path in the following input box. Please make sure that this path exists on all cache server(s) and no other index writer is locking the directory."/>
Understanding the Modules Config Tags
The following section explains the tags mentioned as part of the file syntax.
This tag contains information regarding all registered modules.
<module name="lucene-net-4.8" title="Full Text Search Index" Description="Full Text Search Index or Lucene Indexing Module is a distributed solution for Lucene.Net. This feature is only supported for Partitioned-Replica and Partitioned topologies. Enabling this feature will allow you to use Distributed Lucene API for Text-Searching." assembly-name="Alachisoft.NCache.Lucene.CachingModule.dll" class-name="Alachisoft.NCache.LuceneCachingModule.LuceneCachingModule" full-name="Alachisoft.NCache.Lucene.CachingModule.dll">
name: Specifies a unique name used to identify the module.
title: Specifies the name of the module that needs to be registered against a cache. Once registered, you will find this module as a tab in the NCache Management Center.
Description: Allows you to add any information regarding the registered module. This description will be visible in the NCache Management Center.
assembly-name: Determines the name of the specified module's assembly.
class-name: Determines this is the class of the caching module.
full-name: Determines this is the full name of the module's assembly.
This subtag specifies settings for index storage and Description offering additional details.
<parameter name="IndexPath" value="[NCacheInstallDirectory]\bin\modules\data\lucene" Description="By default, index directories are generated at [NCacheInstallDirectory]\bin\modules\data\lucene. If you want these indexes to be generated at a different location, please specify a valid path in the following input box. Please make sure that this path exists on all cache server(s) and no other index writer is locking the directory."/>
name: Determines that you will be providing the Index Path.
value: Specifies the value of the parameter name mentioned earlier. In this case, this tag takes the path where index directories need to be generated.
Description: Allows you to add any information regarding the parameters added. This description will be visible in the NCache Management Center.
See Also
Configure Lucene Index
Cache Config
Bridge Config
Security Config