Class PostingsReaderBase
The core terms dictionaries (BlockTermsReader, BlockTreeTermsReader) interact with a single instance of this class to manage creation of DocsEnum and DocsAndPositionsEnum instances. It provides an IndexInput (termsIn) where this class may read any previously stored data that it had written in its corresponding PostingsWriterBase at indexing time.
Assembly: DistributedLucene.Net.dll
public abstract class PostingsReaderBase : IDisposable
Name | Description |
PostingsReaderBase() | Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.) |
Name | Description |
CheckIntegrity() | Checks consistency of this reader. Note that this may be costly in terms of I/O, e.g. may involve computing a checksum value against large data files. @lucene.internal |
DecodeTerm(Int64[], DataInput, FieldInfo, BlockTermState, Boolean) | Actually decode metadata for next term. |
Dispose() | Disposes all resources used by this object. |
Dispose(Boolean) | Implementations must override and should dispose all resources used by this instance. |
Docs(FieldInfo, BlockTermState, IBits, DocsEnum, DocsFlags) | Must fully consume state, since after this call that TermState may be reused. |
DocsAndPositions(FieldInfo, BlockTermState, IBits, DocsAndPositionsEnum, DocsAndPositionsFlags) | Must fully consume state, since after this call that TermState may be reused. |
Init(IndexInput) | Performs any initialization, such as reading and verifying the header from the provided terms dictionary IndexInput. |
NewTermState() | Return a newly created empty TermState. |
RamBytesUsed() | Returns approximate RAM bytes used. |