Class FieldInfo
Access to the Field Info file that describes document fields and whether or not they are indexed. Each segment has a separate Field Info file. Objects of this class are thread-safe for multiple readers, but only one thread can be adding documents at a time, with no other reader or writer threads accessing this object.
Assembly: DistributedLucene.Net.dll
public sealed class FieldInfo : object
Name | Description |
FieldInfo(String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, IndexOptions, DocValuesType, DocValuesType, IDictionary<String, String>) | Sole Constructor. @lucene.experimental |
Name | Description |
Attributes | Returns internal codec attributes map. May be |
DocValuesGen | Gets or Sets the docValues generation of this field, or -1 if no docValues. |
DocValuesType | |
HasDocValues | Returns |
HasNorms | Returns |
HasPayloads | Returns |
HasVectors | Returns |
IndexOptions | Returns IndexOptions for the field, or |
IsIndexed | Returns |
Name | Field's name |
NormType | Returns DocValuesType of the norm. This may be NONE if the field has no norms. |
Number | Internal field number |
OmitsNorms | Returns |
Name | Description |
GetAttribute(String) | Get a codec attribute value, or |
PutAttribute(String, String) | Puts a codec attribute value. this is a key-value mapping for the field that the codec can use to store additional metadata, and will be available to the codec when reading the segment via GetAttribute(String) If a value already exists for the field, it will be replaced with the new value. |