Class TopGroups
LUCENENET specific class used to nest types to mimic the syntax used by Lucene (that is, without specifying the generic closing type of TopGroups<TGroupValue>)
Assembly: Lucene.Net.Grouping.dll
public class TopGroups : object
Name | Description |
Merge<T>(ITopGroups<T>[], Sort, Sort, Int32, Int32, TopGroups.ScoreMergeMode) | Merges an array of TopGroups, for example obtained from the second-pass collector across multiple shards. Each TopGroups must have been sorted by the same groupSort and docSort, and the top groups passed to all second-pass collectors must be the same. NOTE: We can't always compute an exact totalGroupCount. Documents belonging to a group may occur on more than one shard and thus the merged totalGroupCount can be higher than the actual totalGroupCount. In this case the totalGroupCount represents a upper bound. If the documents of one group do only reside in one shard then the totalGroupCount is exact. NOTE: the topDocs in each GroupDocs is actually an instance of TopDocsAndShards |