Namespace Lucene.Net.Search
A crazy
Wraps a Scorer with additional checks
Wraps another Collector and checks that acceptsDocsOutOfOrder is respected.
Helper class that adds some extra checks to ensure correct
usage of
Assertion-enabled query.
Wraps a Scorer with additional checks
A Query that will match terms against a finite-state machine.
This query will match documents that contain terms accepted by a given finite-state machine. The automaton can be constructed with the Lucene.Net.Util.Automaton API. Alternatively, it can be created from a regular expression with RegexpQuery or from the standard Lucene wildcard syntax with WildcardQuery.
When the query is executed, it will create an equivalent DFA of the
finite-state machine, and will enumerate the term dictionary in an
intelligent way to reduce the number of comparisons. For example: the regular
expression of [dl]og?
will make approximately four comparisons:
do, dog, lo, and log.
This implementation supplies a filtered DocIdSet, that excludes all docids which are not in a IBits instance. This is especially useful in Filter to apply the Lucene.Net.Search.BitsFilteredDocIdSet.acceptDocs passed to GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext, IBits) before returning the final DocIdSet.
A clause in a BooleanQuery.
A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries, e.g. TermQuerys, PhraseQuerys or other BooleanQuerys.
Collection initializer note: To create and populate a BooleanQuery in a single statement, you can use the following example as a guide:
var booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery() {
{ new WildcardQuery(new Term("field2", "foobar")), Occur.SHOULD },
{ new MultiPhraseQuery() {
new Term("field", "microsoft"),
new Term("field", "office")
}, Occur.SHOULD }
// or
var booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery() {
new BooleanClause(new WildcardQuery(new Term("field2", "foobar")), Occur.SHOULD),
new BooleanClause(new MultiPhraseQuery() {
new Term("field", "microsoft"),
new Term("field", "office")
}, Occur.SHOULD)
Expert: the Weight for BooleanQuery, used to normalize, score and explain these queries.
Thrown when an attempt is made to add more than MaxClauseCount clauses. This typically happens if a PrefixQuery, FuzzyQuery, WildcardQuery, or TermRangeQuery is expanded to many terms during search.
Implementation class for IBoostAttribute.
This class is used to score a range of documents at once, and is returned by GetBulkScorer(AtomicReaderContext, Boolean, IBits). Only queries that have a more optimized means of scoring across a range of documents need to override this. Otherwise, a default implementation is wrapped around the Scorer returned by GetScorer(AtomicReaderContext, IBits).
Caches all docs, and optionally also scores, coming from
a search, and is then able to replay them to another
collector. You specify the max RAM this class may use.
Once the collection is done, call IsCached. If
this returns true
, you can use Replay(ICollector)
against a new collector. If it returns false
, this means
too much RAM was required and you must instead re-run the
original search.
NOTE: this class consumes 4 (or 8 bytes, if scoring is cached) per collected document. If the result set is large this can easily be a very substantial amount of RAM!
NOTE: this class caches at least 128 documents before checking RAM limits.
See the Lucene modules/grouping
module for more
details including a full code example.
Wraps another Filter's result and caches it. The purpose is to allow filters to simply filter, and then wrap with this class to add caching.
Utility class for asserting expected hits in tests.
Just collects document ids into a set.
Contains statistics for a collection (field)
Throw this exception in Collect(Int32) to prematurely terminate collection of the current leaf.
Note: IndexSearcher swallows this exception and never re-throws it. As a consequence, you should not catch it when calling any overload of Search(Weight, FieldDoc, Int32, Sort, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) as it is unnecessary and might hide misuse of this exception.
LUCENENET specific class used to hold the NewAnonymous(Action<Scorer>, Action<Int32>, Action<AtomicReaderContext>, Func<Boolean>) static method.
Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query, and can distinguish a match independent of a positive value.
A rewrite method that tries to pick the best constant-score rewrite method based on term and document counts from the query. If both the number of terms and documents is small enough, then CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE is used. Otherwise, CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE is used.
A query that wraps another query or a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the query boost for every document that matches the filter or query. For queries it therefore simply strips of all scores and returns a constant one.
We return this as our BulkScorer so that if the CSQ wraps a query with its own optimized top-level scorer (e.g. Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanScorer) we can use that top-level scorer.
Utility class that runs a thread to manage periodic reopens of a ReferenceManager<G>, with methods to wait for a specific index changes to become visible. To use this class you must first wrap your IndexWriter with a TrackingIndexWriter and always use it to make changes to the index, saving the returned generation. Then, when a given search request needs to see a specific index change, call the WaitForGeneration(Int64) to wait for that change to be visible. Note that this will only scale well if most searches do not need to wait for a specific index generation.
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries, and that scores each document with the maximum score for that document as produced by any subquery, plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries. This is useful when searching for a word in multiple fields with different boost factors (so that the fields cannot be combined equivalently into a single search field). We want the primary score to be the one associated with the highest boost, not the sum of the field scores (as BooleanQuery would give).
If the query is "albino elephant" this ensures that "albino" matching one field and "elephant" matching another gets a higher score than "albino" matching both fields.
To get this result, use both BooleanQuery and DisjunctionMaxQuery: for each term a DisjunctionMaxQuery searches for it in each field, while the set of these DisjunctionMaxQuery's is combined into a BooleanQuery. The tie breaker capability allows results that include the same term in multiple fields to be judged better than results that include this term in only the best of those multiple fields, without confusing this with the better case of two different terms in the multiple fields.
Collection initializer note: To create and populate a DisjunctionMaxQuery in a single statement, you can use the following example as a guide:
var disjunctionMaxQuery = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.1f) {
new TermQuery(new Term("field1", "albino")),
new TermQuery(new Term("field2", "elephant"))
Expert: the Weight for DisjunctionMaxQuery, used to normalize, score and explain these queries.
NOTE: this API and implementation is subject to change suddenly in the next release.
A DocIdSet contains a set of doc ids. Implementing classes must only implement GetIterator() to provide access to the set.
This abstract class defines methods to iterate over a set of non-decreasing
doc ids. Note that this class assumes it iterates on doc Ids, and therefore
NO_MORE_DOCS is set to
A range filter built on top of a cached multi-valued term field (in IFieldCache).
Like FieldCacheRangeFilter, this is just a specialized range query versus using a TermRangeQuery with DocTermOrdsRewriteMethod: it will only do two ordinal to term lookups.
Rewrites MultiTermQuerys into a filter, using DocTermOrds for term enumeration.
This can be used to perform these queries against an unindexed docvalues field.
Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query.
Asserts that the score explanation for every document matching a query corresponds with the true score.
NOTE: this HitCollector should only be used with the Query and IndexSearcher specified at when it is constructed.
An IndexSearcher that implicitly checks hte explanation of every match whenever it executes a search.
This is a MultiReader that can be used for randomly wrapping other readers without creating FieldCache insanity. The trick is to use an opaque/fake cache key.
Field values as 8-bit signed bytes
EXPERT: A unique Identifier/Description for each item in the IFieldCache. Can be useful for logging/debugging.
Placeholder indicating creation of this cache is currently in-progress.
Field values as 64-bit doubles
Field values as 16-bit signed shorts
NOTE: This was Shorts in Lucene
Field values as 32-bit signed integers
NOTE: This was Ints in Lucene
Field values as 64-bit signed long integers
NOTE: This was Longs in Lucene
Field values as 32-bit floats
NOTE: This was Floats in Lucene
Base class for DocIdSet to be used with IFieldCache. The implementation
of its iterator is very stupid and slow if the implementation of the
MatchDoc(Int32) method is not optimized, as iterators simply increment
the document id until MatchDoc(Int32) returns true
. Because of this
MatchDoc(Int32) must be as fast as possible and in no case do any
A range filter built on top of a cached single term field (in IFieldCache).
FieldCacheRangeFilter builds a single cache for the field the first time it is used. Each subsequent FieldCacheRangeFilter on the same field then reuses this cache, even if the range itself changes.
this means that FieldCacheRangeFilter is much faster (sometimes more than 100x as fast) as building a TermRangeFilter, if using a NewStringRange(String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean). However, if the range never changes it is slower (around 2x as slow) than building a CachingWrapperFilter on top of a single TermRangeFilter.
For numeric data types, this filter may be significantly faster than NumericRangeFilter. Furthermore, it does not need the numeric values encoded by Int32Field, SingleField, Int64Field or DoubleField. But it has the problem that it only works with exact one value/document (see below).
As with all IFieldCache based functionality, FieldCacheRangeFilter is only valid for fields which exact one term for each document (except for NewStringRange(String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean) where 0 terms are also allowed). Due to a restriction of IFieldCache, for numeric ranges all terms that do not have a numeric value, 0 is assumed.
Thus it works on dates, prices and other single value fields but will not work on regular text fields. It is preferable to use a NOT_ANALYZED field to ensure that there is only a single term.
This class does not have an constructor, use one of the static factory methods available, that create a correct instance for different data types supported by IFieldCache.
Rewrites MultiTermQuerys into a filter, using the IFieldCache for term enumeration.
This can be used to perform these queries against an unindexed docvalues field.
A Filter that only accepts documents whose single term value in the specified field is contained in the provided set of allowed terms.
This is the same functionality as TermsFilter (from queries/), except this filter requires that the field contains only a single term for all documents. Because of drastically different implementations, they also have different performance characteristics, as described below.
The first invocation of this filter on a given field will be slower, since a SortedDocValues must be created. Subsequent invocations using the same field will re-use this cache. However, as with all functionality based on IFieldCache, persistent RAM is consumed to hold the cache, and is not freed until the IndexReader is disposed. In contrast, TermsFilter has no persistent RAM consumption.
With each search, this filter translates the specified set of Terms into a private FixedBitSet keyed by term number per unique IndexReader (normally one reader per segment). Then, during matching, the term number for each docID is retrieved from the cache and then checked for inclusion using the FixedBitSet. Since all testing is done using RAM resident data structures, performance should be very fast, most likely fast enough to not require further caching of the DocIdSet for each possible combination of terms. However, because docIDs are simply scanned linearly, an index with a great many small documents may find this linear scan too costly.
In contrast, TermsFilter builds up a FixedBitSet, keyed by docID, every time it's created, by enumerating through all matching docs using DocsEnum to seek and scan through each term's docID list. While there is no linear scan of all docIDs, besides the allocation of the underlying array in the FixedBitSet, this approach requires a number of "disk seeks" in proportion to the number of terms, which can be exceptionally costly when there are cache misses in the OS's IO cache.
Generally, this filter will be slower on the first invocation for a given field, but subsequent invocations, even if you change the allowed set of Terms, should be faster than TermsFilter, especially as the number of Terms being matched increases. If you are matching only a very small number of terms, and those terms in turn match a very small number of documents, TermsFilter may perform faster.
Which filter is best is very application dependent.
Parses field's values as
Sorts by ascending docID
Parses field's values as
Parses field's values as
NOTE: This was ShortComparator in Lucene
Parses field's values as
NOTE: This was IntComparator in Lucene
Parses field's values as
NOTE: This was LongComparator in Lucene
Base FieldComparer class for numeric types
Sorts by descending relevance. NOTE: if you are sorting only by descending relevance and then secondarily by ascending docID, performance is faster using TopScoreDocCollector directly (which all overloads of Search(Query, Int32) use when no Sort is specified).
Parses field's values as
NOTE: This was FloatComparator in Lucene
Sorts by field's natural Term sort order, using ordinals. This is functionally equivalent to FieldComparer.TermValComparer, but it first resolves the string to their relative ordinal positions (using the index returned by GetTermsIndex(AtomicReader, String, Single)), and does most comparisons using the ordinals. For medium to large results, this comparer will be much faster than FieldComparer.TermValComparer. For very small result sets it may be slower.
Sorts by field's natural Term sort order. All comparisons are done using CompareTo(BytesRef), which is slow for medium to large result sets but possibly very fast for very small results sets.
Expert: a FieldComparer compares hits so as to determine their sort order when collecting the top results with TopFieldCollector. The concrete public FieldComparer classes here correspond to the SortField types.
This API is designed to achieve high performance
sorting, by exposing a tight interaction with
FieldValueHitQueue as it visits hits. Whenever a hit is
competitive, it's enrolled into a virtual slot, which is
A comparer must define these functions:
- Compare(Int32, Int32) Compare a hit at 'slot a' with hit 'slot b'.
- SetBottom(Int32)This method is called by FieldValueHitQueue to notify the FieldComparer of the current weakest ("bottom") slot. Note that this slot may not hold the weakest value according to your comparer, in cases where your comparer is not the primary one (ie, is only used to break ties from the comparers before it).
- CompareBottom(Int32)Compare a new hit (docID) against the "weakest" (bottom) entry in the queue.
- SetTopValue(Object)This method is called by TopFieldCollector to notify the FieldComparer of the top most value, which is used by future calls to CompareTop(Int32).
- CompareTop(Int32)Compare a new hit (docID) against the top value previously set by a call to SetTopValue(Object).
- Copy(Int32, Int32)Installs a new hit into the priority queue. The FieldValueHitQueue calls this method when a new hit is competitive.
- SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext)Invoked when the search is switching to the next segment. You may need to update internal state of the comparer, for example retrieving new values from the IFieldCache.
- Item[Int32]Return the sort value stored in the specified slot. This is only called at the end of the search, in order to populate Fields when returning the top results.
Provides a FieldComparer for custom field sorting.
Expert: A ScoreDoc which also contains information about
how to sort the referenced document. In addition to the
document number and score, this object contains an array
of values for the document from the field(s) used to sort.
For example, if the sort criteria was to sort by fields
"a", "b" then "c", the fields
object array
will have three elements, corresponding respectively to
the term values for the document in fields "a", "b" and "c".
The class of each element in the array will be either
Created: Feb 11, 2004 1:23:38 PM
@since lucene 1.4
A Filter that accepts all documents that have one or more values in a given field. this Filter request IBits from the IFieldCache and build the bits if not present.
Expert: A hit queue for sorting by hits by terms in more than one field.
Uses FieldCache.DEFAULT
for maintaining
internal term lookup tables.
@lucene.experimental @since 2.9
Abstract base class for restricting which documents may be returned during searching.
Abstract decorator class for a DocIdSet implementation that provides on-demand filtering/validation mechanism on a given DocIdSet.
Technically, this same functionality could be achieved with ChainedFilter (under queries/), however the benefit of this class is it never materializes the full bitset for the filter. Instead, the Match(Int32) method is invoked on-demand, per docID visited during searching. If you know few docIDs will be visited, and the logic behind Match(Int32) is relatively costly, this may be a better way to filter than ChainedFilter.
Abstract decorator class of a DocIdSetIterator implementation that provides on-demand filter/validation mechanism on an underlying DocIdSetIterator. See DocIdSetIterator.
A query that applies a filter to the results of another query.
Note: the bits are retrieved from the filter each time this query is used in a search - use a CachingWrapperFilter to avoid regenerating the bits every time.
@since 1.4
Abstract class that defines how the filter (DocIdSet) applied during document collection.
A FilteredQuery.FilterStrategy that conditionally uses a random access filter if the given DocIdSet supports random access (returns a non-null value from Bits) and UseRandomAccess(IBits, Int32) returns
. Otherwise this strategy falls back to a "zig-zag join" (
Implements the fuzzy search query. The similarity measurement
is based on the Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment) algorithm,
though you can explicitly choose classic Levenshtein by passing false
to the transpositions
this query uses MultiTermQuery.TopTermsScoringBooleanQueryRewrite as default. So terms will be collected and scored according to their edit distance. Only the top terms are used for building the BooleanQuery. It is not recommended to change the rewrite mode for fuzzy queries.
At most, this query will match terms up to MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE edits. Higher distances (especially with transpositions enabled), are generally not useful and will match a significant amount of the term dictionary. If you really want this, consider using an n-gram indexing technique (such as the SpellChecker in the suggest module) instead.
NOTE: terms of length 1 or 2 will sometimes not match because of how the scaled distance between two terms is computed. For a term to match, the edit distance between the terms must be less than the minimum length term (either the input term, or the candidate term). For example, FuzzyQuery on term "abcd" with maxEdits=2 will not match an indexed term "ab", and FuzzyQuery on term "a" with maxEdits=2 will not match an indexed term "abc".
Subclass of TermsEnum for enumerating all terms that are similar to the specified filter term.
Term enumerations are always ordered by Comparer. Each term in the enumeration is greater than all that precede it.
Stores compiled automata as a list (indexed by edit distance)
Implements search over a single IndexReader.
Applications usually need only call the inherited
Search(Query, Int32)
or Search(Query, Filter, Int32) methods. For
performance reasons, if your index is unchanging, you
should share a single
A class holding a subset of the
LiveFieldValues<S, T>
Tracks live field values across NRT reader reopens. This holds a map for all updated ids since the last reader reopen. Once the NRT reader is reopened, it prunes the map. This means you must reopen your NRT reader periodically otherwise the RAM consumption of this class will grow unbounded!
NOTE: you must ensure the same id is never updated at the same time by two threads, because in this case you cannot in general know which thread "won".
A query that matches all documents.
Implementation class for IMaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute.
A ICollector which allows running a search with several
ICollectors. It offers a static Wrap(ICollector[]) method which accepts a
list of collectors and wraps them with MultiCollector, while
filtering out the null
MultiPhraseQuery is a generalized version of PhraseQuery, with an added method Add(Term[]).
To use this class, to search for the phrase "Microsoft app*" first use
Add(Term) on the term "Microsoft", then find all terms that have "app" as
prefix using MultiFields.GetFields(IndexReader).GetTerms(string)
, and use Add(Term[])
to add them to the query.
Collection initializer note: To create and populate a MultiPhraseQuery in a single statement, you can use the following example as a guide:
var multiPhraseQuery = new MultiPhraseQuery() {
new Term("field", "microsoft"),
new Term("field", "office")
Note that as long as you specify all of the parameters, you can use either Add(Term), Add(Term[]), or Add(Term[], Int32) as the method to use to initialize. If there are multiple parameters, each parameter set must be surrounded by curly braces.
An abstract Query that matches documents containing a subset of terms provided by a FilteredTermsEnum enumeration.
This query cannot be used directly; you must subclass it and define GetTermsEnum(Terms, AttributeSource) to provide a FilteredTermsEnum that iterates through the terms to be matched.
NOTE: if MultiTermRewriteMethod is either CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE or SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE, you may encounter a BooleanQuery.TooManyClausesException exception during searching, which happens when the number of terms to be searched exceeds MaxClauseCount. Setting MultiTermRewriteMethod to CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE prevents this.
The recommended rewrite method is
computing unhelpful scores, and it tries to pick the most
performant rewrite method given the query. If you
need scoring (like
Note that QueryParsers.Classic.QueryParser produces MultiTermQuerys using CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT by default.
Abstract class that defines how the query is rewritten.
A rewrite method that first translates each term into SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, but the scores are only computed as the boost.
This rewrite method only uses the top scoring terms so it will not overflow the boolean max clause count.
A rewrite method that first translates each term into SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, and keeps the scores as computed by the query.
This rewrite method only uses the top scoring terms so it will not overflow the boolean max clause count. It is the default rewrite method for FuzzyQuery.
A wrapper for MultiTermQuery, that exposes its functionality as a Filter.
MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter<Q> is not designed to be used by itself. Normally you subclass it to provide a Filter counterpart for a MultiTermQuery subclass.
For example, TermRangeFilter and PrefixFilter extend MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter<Q>. This class also provides the functionality behind CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE; this is why it is not abstract.
This is a PhraseQuery which is optimized for n-gram phrase query. For example, when you query "ABCD" on a 2-gram field, you may want to use NGramPhraseQuery rather than PhraseQuery, because NGramPhraseQuery will Rewrite(IndexReader) the query to "AB/0 CD/2", while PhraseQuery will query "AB/0 BC/1 CD/2" (where term/position).
Collection initializer note: To create and populate a PhraseQuery in a single statement, you can use the following example as a guide:
var phraseQuery = new NGramPhraseQuery(2) {
new Term("field", "ABCD"),
new Term("field", "EFGH")
Note that as long as you specify all of the parameters, you can use either Add(Term) or Add(Term, Int32) as the method to use to initialize. If there are multiple parameters, each parameter set must be surrounded by curly braces.
LUCENENET specific static class to provide access to static methods without referring to the NumericRangeFilter<T>'s generic closing type.
A Filter that only accepts numeric values within a specified range. To use this, you must first index the numeric values using Int32Field, SingleField, Int64Field or DoubleField (expert: NumericTokenStream).
You create a new NumericRangeFilter with the static factory methods, eg:
Filter f = NumericRangeFilter.NewFloatRange("weight", 0.03f, 0.10f, true, true);
Accepts all documents whose float valued "weight" field ranges from 0.03 to 0.10, inclusive. See NumericRangeQuery for details on how Lucene indexes and searches numeric valued fields.
@since 2.9
LUCENENET specific class to provide access to static factory metods of NumericRangeQuery<T> without referring to its genereic closing type.
A Query that matches numeric values within a
specified range. To use this, you must first index the
numeric values using Int32Field,
SingleField, Int64Field or DoubleField (expert:
NumericTokenStream). If your terms are instead textual,
you should use TermRangeQuery.
NumericRangeFilter is the filter equivalent of this
You create a new NumericRangeQuery<T> with the static factory methods, eg:
Query q = NumericRangeQuery.NewFloatRange("weight", 0.03f, 0.10f, true, true);
matches all documents whose The performance of NumericRangeQuery<T> is much better than the corresponding TermRangeQuery because the number of terms that must be searched is usually far fewer, thanks to trie indexing, described below.
You can optionally specify a Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep
when creating this query. This is necessary if you've
changed this configuration from its default (4) during
indexing. Lower values consume more disk space but speed
up searching. Suitable values are between 1 and
8. A good starting point to test is 4,
which is the default value for all Numeric*
classes. See below for
This query defaults to CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT. With precision steps of <=4, this query can be run with one of the BooleanQuery rewrite methods without changing BooleanQuery's default max clause count.
How it works
See the publication about panFMP,
where this algorithm was described (referred to as TrieRangeQuery
Schindler, U, Diepenbroek, M, 2008. Generic XML-based Framework for Metadata Portals. Computers & Geosciences 34 (12), 1947-1955. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.023
A quote from this paper: Because Apache Lucene is a full-text
search engine and not a conventional database, it cannot handle numerical ranges
(e.g., field value is inside user defined bounds, even dates are numerical values).
We have developed an extension to Apache Lucene that stores
the numerical values in a special string-encoded format with variable precision
(all numerical values like
For the variant that stores long values in 8 different precisions (each reduced by 8 bits) that uses a lowest precision of 1 byte, the index contains only a maximum of 256 distinct values in the lowest precision. Overall, a range could consist of a theoretical maximum of
7*255*2 + 255 = 3825
distinct terms (when there is a term for every distinct value of an
8-byte-number in the index and the range covers almost all of them; a maximum of 255 distinct values is used
because it would always be possible to reduce the full 256 values to one term with degraded precision).
In practice, we have seen up to 300 terms in most cases (index with 500,000 metadata records
and a uniform value distribution).
You can choose any Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep when encoding values. Lower step values mean more precisions and so more terms in index (and index gets larger). The number of indexed terms per value is (those are generated by NumericTokenStream):
indexedTermsPerValue = ceil(bitsPerValue / precisionStep)
As the lower precision terms are shared by many values, the additional terms only slightly grow the term dictionary (approx. 7% forprecisionStep=4
), but have a larger
impact on the postings (the postings file will have more entries, as every document is linked to
terms instead of one). The formula to estimate the growth
of the term dictionary in comparison to one term per value:
On the other hand, if the Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep is smaller, the maximum number of terms to match reduces, which optimizes query speed. The formula to calculate the maximum number of terms that will be visited while executing the query is:
For longs stored using a precision step of 4, maxQueryTerms = 15152 + 15 = 465
, and for a precision
step of 2, maxQueryTerms = 3132 + 3 = 189
. But the faster search speed is reduced by more seeking
in the term enum of the index. Because of this, the ideal Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep value can only
be found out by testing. Important: You can index with a lower precision step value and test search speed
using a multiple of the original step value.
Good values for Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep are depending on usage and data type:
- The default for all data types is 4, which is used, when no
is given.precisionStep
- Ideal value in most cases for 64 bit data types (long, double) is 6 or 8.
- Ideal value in most cases for 32 bit data types (int, float) is 4.
- For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good. If the cardinality is < 100, it is
fair to use
(see below). - Steps >=64 for long/double and >=32 for int/float produces one token
per value in the index and querying is as slow as a conventional TermRangeQuery. But it can be used
to produce fields, that are solely used for sorting (in this case simply use
as Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionStep). Using Int32Field, Int64Field, SingleField or DoubleField for sorting is ideal, because building the field cache is much faster than with text-only numbers. These fields have one term per value and therefore also work with term enumeration for building distinct lists (e.g. facets / preselected values to search for). Sorting is also possible with range query optimized fields using one of the above Lucene.Net.Search.NumericRangeQuery`1.precisionSteps.
Comparisons of the different types of RangeQueries on an index with about 500,000 docs showed that TermRangeQuery in boolean rewrite mode (with raised BooleanQuery clause count) took about 30-40 secs to complete, TermRangeQuery in constant score filter rewrite mode took 5 secs and executing this class took <100ms to complete (on an Opteron64 machine, Java 1.5, 8 bit precision step). This query type was developed for a geographic portal, where the performance for e.g. bounding boxes or exact date/time stamps is important.
@since 2.9
A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms.
A PhraseQuery is built by QueryParser for input like "new york"
This query may be combined with other terms or queries with a BooleanQuery.
Collection initializer note: To create and populate a PhraseQuery in a single statement, you can use the following example as a guide:
var phraseQuery = new PhraseQuery() {
new Term("field", "microsoft"),
new Term("field", "office")
Note that as long as you specify all of the parameters, you can use either Add(Term) or Add(Term, Int32) as the method to use to initialize. If there are multiple parameters, each parameter set must be surrounded by curly braces.
A ICollector implementation which wraps another ICollector and makes sure only documents with scores > 0 are collected.
A Filter that restricts search results to values that have a matching prefix in a given field.
A Query that matches documents containing terms with a specified prefix. A PrefixQuery
is built by QueryParser for input like app*
This query uses the CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT rewrite method.
Subclass of FilteredTermsEnum for enumerating all terms that match the specified prefix filter term.
Term enumerations are always ordered by Comparer. Each term in the enumeration is greater than all that precede it.
The abstract base class for queries.
Instantiable subclasses are:
- TermQuery
- BooleanQuery
- WildcardQuery
- PhraseQuery
- PrefixQuery
- MultiPhraseQuery
- FuzzyQuery
- RegexpQuery
- TermRangeQuery
- NumericRangeQuery
- ConstantScoreQuery
- DisjunctionMaxQuery
- MatchAllDocsQuery
See also the family of Span Queries (Lucene.Net.Search.Spans) and additional queries available in the Queries module
A Rescorer that uses a provided Query to assign scores to the first-pass hits.
Utility class for sanity-checking queries.
this is a MultiReader that can be used for randomly wrapping other readers without creating FieldCache insanity. The trick is to use an opaque/fake cache key.
Constrains search results to only match those which also match a provided query.
This could be used, for example, with a NumericRangeQuery on a suitably
formatted date field to implement date filtering. One could re-use a single
that matches, e.g., only documents modified
within the last week. This would only need to be reconstructed once per day.
ReferenceContext<T> holds a reference instance and ensures it is properly de-referenced from its corresponding ReferenceManager<G> when Dispose() is called. This class is primarily intended to be used with a using block.
LUCENENET specific
LUCENENET specific class used to provide static access to ReferenceManager.IRefreshListener without having to specifiy the generic closing type of ReferenceManager<G>.
Utility class to safely share instances of a certain type across multiple threads, while periodically refreshing them. This class ensures each reference is closed only once all threads have finished using it. It is recommended to consult the documentation of ReferenceManager<G> implementations for their MaybeRefresh() semantics.
A fast regular expression query based on the Lucene.Net.Util.Automaton package.
- Comparisons are fast
- The term dictionary is enumerated in an intelligent way, to avoid comparisons. See AutomatonQuery for more details.
The supported syntax is documented in the RegExp class. Note this might be different than other regular expression implementations. For some alternatives with different syntax, look under the sandbox.
Note this query can be slow, as it needs to iterate over many terms. In order
to prevent extremely slow RegexpQuerys, a RegExp term should not start with
the expression .*
Re-scores the topN results (TopDocs) from an original query. See QueryRescorer for an actual implementation. Typically, you run a low-cost first-pass query across the entire index, collecting the top few hundred hits perhaps, and then use this class to mix in a more costly second pass scoring.
See Rescore(IndexSearcher, TopDocs, Query, Double, Int32) for a simple static method to call to rescore using a 2nd pass Query.
A Scorer which wraps another scorer and caches the score of the current document. Successive calls to GetScore() will return the same result and will not invoke the wrapped Scorer's GetScore() method, unless the current document has changed.
This class might be useful due to the changes done to the ICollector interface, in which the score is not computed for a document by default, only if the collector requests it. Some collectors may need to use the score in several places, however all they have in hand is a Scorer object, and might end up computing the score of a document more than once.
Holds one hit in TopDocs.
Expert: Common scoring functionality for different types of queries.
A Scorer iterates over documents matching a query in increasing order of doc Id.
Document scores are computed using a given Similarity implementation.
NOTE: The values
A child Scorer and its relationship to its parent. The meaning of the relationship depends upon the parent query.
Base rewrite method that translates each term into a query, and keeps the scores as computed by the query.
@lucene.internal - Only public to be accessible by spans package.
Simple base class for checking search equivalence.
Extend it, and write tests that create
Factory class used by SearcherManager to create new IndexSearchers. The default implementation just creates an IndexSearcher with no custom behavior:
public IndexSearcher NewSearcher(IndexReader r)
return new IndexSearcher(r);
You can pass your own factory instead if you want custom behavior, such as:
- Setting a custom scoring model: Similarity
- Parallel per-segment search:
- Return custom subclasses of IndexSearcher (for example that implement distributed scoring)
- Run queries to warm your IndexSearcher before it is used. Note: when using near-realtime search you may want to also set MergedSegmentWarmer to warm newly merged segments in the background, outside of the reopen path.
Keeps track of current plus old IndexSearchers, disposing the old ones once they have timed out.
Use it like this:
SearcherLifetimeManager mgr = new SearcherLifetimeManager();
Per search-request, if it's a "new" search request, then obtain the latest searcher you have (for example, by using SearcherManager), and then record this searcher:
// Record the current searcher, and save the returend
// token into user's search results (eg as a hidden
// HTML form field):
long token = mgr.Record(searcher);
When a follow-up search arrives, for example the user clicks next page, drills down/up, etc., take the token that you saved from the previous search and:
// If possible, obtain the same searcher as the last
// search:
IndexSearcher searcher = mgr.Acquire(token);
if (searcher != null)
// Searcher is still here
// do searching...
// Do not use searcher after this!
searcher = null;
// Searcher was pruned -- notify user session timed
// out, or, pull fresh searcher again
Finally, in a separate thread, ideally the same thread that's periodically reopening your searchers, you should periodically prune old searchers:
mgr.Prune(new PruneByAge(600.0));
NOTE: keeping many searchers around means you'll use more resources (open files, RAM) than a single searcher. However, as long as you are using OpenIfChanged(DirectoryReader), the searchers will usually share almost all segments and the added resource usage is contained. When a large merge has completed, and you reopen, because that is a large change, the new searcher will use higher additional RAM than other searchers; but large merges don't complete very often and it's unlikely you'll hit two of them in your expiration window. Still you should budget plenty of heap in the runtime to have a good safety margin.
Simple pruner that drops any searcher older by more than the specified seconds, than the newest searcher.
Utility class to safely share IndexSearcher instances across multiple threads, while periodically reopening. This class ensures each searcher is disposed only once all threads have finished using it.
Use Acquire() to obtain the current searcher, and Release(G) to release it, like this:
IndexSearcher s = manager.Acquire();
// Do searching, doc retrieval, etc. with s
// Do not use s after this!
s = null;
In addition you should periodically call MaybeRefresh(). While it's possible to call this just before running each query, this is discouraged since it penalizes the unlucky queries that do the reopen. It's better to use a separate background thread, that periodically calls MaybeRefresh(). Finally, be sure to call Dispose() once you are done.
Just collects document ids into a set.
Base test class for simulating distributed search across multiple shards.
Matches docs in the local shard but scores based on aggregated stats ("mock distributed scoring") from all nodes.
An IndexSearcher and associated version (lease)
Thrown when the lease for a searcher has expired.
Encapsulates sort criteria for returned hits.
The fields used to determine sort order must be carefully chosen. Documents must contain a single term in such a field, and the value of the term should indicate the document's relative position in a given sort order. The field must be indexed, but should not be tokenized, and does not need to be stored (unless you happen to want it back with the rest of your document data). In other words:
document.Add(new Field("byNumber", x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
Valid Types of Values
There are four possible kinds of term values which may be put into
sorting fields:
is the first and n
the last).
and Infinity
are not supported).
Documents which should appear first in the sort
should have low values, later documents high values.
Object Reuse
One of these objects can be used multiple times and the sort order changed between usages.
This class is thread safe.
Memory Usage
Sorting uses of caches of term values maintained by the
internal HitQueue(s). The cache is static and contains an IndexReader.MaxDoc
for each field
name for which a sort is performed. In other words, the size of the
cache in bytes is:
4 * IndexReader.MaxDoc * (# of different fields actually used to sort)
Note that the size of the cache is not affected by how many fields are in the index and might be used to sort - only by the ones actually used to sort a result set.
Created: Feb 12, 2004 10:53:57 AM
@since lucene 1.4
Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual field. Fields must be indexed in order to sort by them.
Created: Feb 11, 2004 1:25:29 PM
@since lucene 1.4
A Rescorer that re-sorts according to a provided Sort.
Implements search over a single IndexReader.
Applications usually need only call the inherited Search(Query, Int32) or Search(Query, Filter, Int32) methods. For performance reasons, if your index is unchanging, you should share a single SurrogateIndexSearcher instance across multiple searches instead of creating a new one per-search. If your index has changed and you wish to see the changes reflected in searching, you should use OpenIfChanged(DirectoryReader) to obtain a new reader and then create a new SurrogateIndexSearcher from that. Also, for low-latency turnaround it's best to use a near-real-time reader (Open(IndexWriter, Boolean)). Once you have a new IndexReader, it's relatively cheap to create a new SurrogateIndexSearcher from it.
NOTE: SurrogateIndexSearcher instances are completely thread safe, meaning multiple threads can call any of its methods, concurrently. If your application requires external synchronization, you should not synchronize on the SurrogateIndexSearcher instance; use your own (non-Lucene) objects instead.
A class holding a subset of the SurrogateIndexSearchers leaf contexts to be executed within a single thread.
A Query that matches documents containing a term. this may be combined with other terms with a BooleanQuery.
A Filter that restricts search results to a range of term values in a given field.
This filter matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the
supplied range according to
If you construct a large number of range filters with different ranges but on the same field, FieldCacheRangeFilter may have significantly better performance.
@since 2.9
A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.
This query matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the
supplied range according to
This query uses the CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT rewrite method.
@since 2.9
Subclass of FilteredTermsEnum for enumerating all terms that match the specified range parameters.
Term enumerations are always ordered by Comparer. Each term in the enumeration is greater than all that precede it.
Contains statistics for a specific term
The TimeLimitingCollector is used to timeout search requests that take longer than the maximum allowed search time limit. After this time is exceeded, the search thread is stopped by throwing a TimeLimitingCollector.TimeExceededException.
Thrown when elapsed search time exceeds allowed search time.
Thread used to timeout search requests. Can be stopped completely with StopTimer()
Represents hits returned by Search(Query, Filter, Int32) and Search(Query, Int32).
A base class for all collectors that return a TopDocs output. This collector allows easy extension by providing a single constructor which accepts a PriorityQueue<T> as well as protected members for that priority queue and a counter of the number of total hits.
Extending classes can override any of the methods to provide their own
implementation, as well as avoid the use of the priority queue entirely by
passing null to TopDocsCollector(PriorityQueue<T>). In that case
however, you might want to consider overriding all methods, in order to avoid
A ICollector that sorts by SortField using FieldComparers.
See the Create(Sort, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) method for instantiating a TopFieldCollector.
Represents hits returned by Search(Query, Filter, Int32, Sort).
A ICollector implementation that collects the top-scoring hits, returning them as a TopDocs. this is used by IndexSearcher to implement TopDocs-based search. Hits are sorted by score descending and then (when the scores are tied) docID ascending. When you create an instance of this collector you should know in advance whether documents are going to be collected in doc Id order or not.
NOTE: The values
Base rewrite method for collecting only the top terms via a priority queue.
@lucene.internal - Only public to be accessible by spans package.
Just counts the total number of hits.
Expert: Calculate query weights and build query scorers.
The purpose of Weight is to ensure searching does not modify a Query, so that a Query instance can be reused.
IndexSearcher dependent state of the query should reside in the Weight.
AtomicReader dependent state should reside in the Scorer.
Since Weight creates Scorer instances for a given AtomicReaderContext (GetScorer(AtomicReaderContext, IBits)) callers must maintain the relationship between the searcher's top-level IndexReaderContext and the context used to create a Scorer.
A Weight is used in the following way:
- A Weight is constructed by a top-level query, given a IndexSearcher (CreateWeight(IndexSearcher)).
- The GetValueForNormalization() method is called on the Weight to compute the query normalization factor QueryNorm(Single) of the query clauses contained in the query.
- The query normalization factor is passed to Normalize(Single, Single). At this point the weighting is complete.
- A Scorer is constructed by GetScorer(AtomicReaderContext, IBits).
@since 2.9
Implements the wildcard search query. Supported wildcards are , which
matches any character sequence (including the empty one), and
which matches any single character. '' is the escape character.
Note this query can be slow, as it
needs to iterate over many terms. In order to prevent extremely slow WildcardQueries,
a Wildcard term should not start with the wildcard
This query uses the CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT rewrite method.
Interface to parse bytes from document fields.
Interface to parse
Interface to parse
NOTE: This was ShortParser in Lucene
Interface to parse
NOTE: This was IntParser in Lucene
Interface to parse
NOTE: This was LongParser in Lucene
Marker interface as super-interface to all parsers. It is used to specify a custom parser to SortField(String, FieldCache.IParser).
Interface to parse
NOTE: This was FloatParser in Lucene
Reuses compiled automata across different segments, because they are independent of the index
Add this IAttribute to a TermsEnum returned by GetTermsEnum(Terms, AttributeSource) and update the boost on each returned term. This enables to control the boost factor for each matching term in SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE or TopTermsRewrite<Q> mode. FuzzyQuery is using this to take the edit distance into account.
Please note: this attribute is intended to be added only by the TermsEnum to itself in its constructor and consumed by the MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod.
Expert: Collectors are primarily meant to be used to gather raw results from a search, and implement sorting or custom result filtering, collation, etc.
Lucene's core collectors are derived from Collector. Likely your application can use one of these classes, or subclass TopDocsCollector<T>, instead of implementing ICollector directly:
- TopDocsCollector<T> is an abstract base class that assumes you will retrieve the top N docs, according to some criteria, after collection is done.
- TopScoreDocCollector is a concrete subclass TopDocsCollector<T> and sorts according to score + docID. This is used internally by the IndexSearcher search methods that do not take an explicit Sort. It is likely the most frequently used collector.
- TopFieldCollector subclasses TopDocsCollector<T> and sorts according to a specified Sort object (sort by field). This is used internally by the IndexSearcher search methods that take an explicit Sort.
- TimeLimitingCollector, which wraps any other Collector and aborts the search if it's taken too much time.
- PositiveScoresOnlyCollector wraps any other ICollector and prevents collection of hits whose score is <= 0.0
ICollector decouples the score from the collected doc: the score computation is skipped entirely if it's not needed. Collectors that do need the score should implement the SetScorer(Scorer) method, to hold onto the passed Scorer instance, and call GetScore() within the collect method to compute the current hit's score. If your collector may request the score for a single hit multiple times, you should use ScoreCachingWrappingScorer.
NOTE: The doc that is passed to the collect method is relative to the current reader. If your collector needs to resolve this to the docID space of the Multi*Reader, you must re-base it by recording the docBase from the most recent SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext) call. Here's a simple example showing how to collect docIDs into an OpenBitSet:
[Serializable] private class MySearchCollector : ICollector
private readonly OpenBitSet bits;
private int docBase;
public MySearchCollector(OpenBitSet bits)
if (bits == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bits");
this.bits = bits;
// ignore scorer
public void SetScorer(Scorer scorer)
// accept docs out of order (for a BitSet it doesn't matter)
public bool AcceptDocsOutOfOrder
get { return true; }
public void Collect(int doc)
bits.Set(doc + docBase);
public void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
this.docBase = context.DocBase;
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
OpenBitSet bits = new OpenBitSet(indexReader.MaxDoc);
searcher.Search(query, new MySearchCollector(bits));
Not all collectors will need to rebase the docID. For example, a collector that simply counts the total number of hits would skip it.
NOTE: Prior to 2.9, Lucene silently filtered out hits with score <= 0. As of 2.9, the core ICollectors no longer do that. It's very unusual to have such hits (a negative query boost, or function query returning negative custom scores, could cause it to happen). If you need that behavior, use PositiveScoresOnlyCollector.
@since 2.9
Expert: Maintains caches of term values.
Created: May 19, 2004 11:13:14 AM
@since lucene 1.4
Add this IAttribute to a fresh AttributeSource before calling GetTermsEnum(Terms, AttributeSource). FuzzyQuery is using this to control its internal behaviour to only return competitive terms.
Please note: this attribute is intended to be added by the MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod to an empty AttributeSource that is shared for all segments during query rewrite. This attribute source is passed to all segment enums on GetTermsEnum(Terms, AttributeSource). TopTermsRewrite<Q> uses this attribute to inform all enums about the current boost, that is not competitive.
LUCENENET specific interface used to reference TopDocsCollector<T> without referencing its generic type.
Use to receive notification when a refresh has finished. See AddListener(ReferenceManager.IRefreshListener).
Specifies how clauses are to occur in matching documents.
Specifies the type of the terms to be sorted, or special types such as CUSTOM