Namespace Lucene.Net.Util.Fst
LUCENENET specific type used to access nested types of Builder<T> without referring to its generic closing type.
Expert: holds a pending (seen but not yet serialized) arc.
Expert: this is invoked by Builder whenever a suffix is serialized.
Expert: holds a pending (seen but not yet serialized) Node.
Builds a minimal FST (maps an Int32sRef term to an arbitrary output) from pre-sorted terms with outputs. The FST becomes an FSA if you use NoOutputs. The FST is written on-the-fly into a compact serialized format byte array, which can be saved to / loaded from a Directory or used directly for traversal. The FST is always finite (no cycles).
NOTE: The algorithm is described at
The parameterized type
FSTs larger than 2.1GB are now possible (as of Lucene 4.2). FSTs containing more than 2.1B nodes are also now possible, however they cannot be packed.
An FST Outputs{BytesRef} implementation where each output is a sequence of bytes.
LUCENENET specific. This class is to mimic Java's ability to specify nested classes of Generics without having to specify the generic type (i.e. BytesRefFSTEnum.InputOutput{T} rather than BytesRefFSTEnum{T}.InputOutput{T})
Holds a single input (BytesRef) + output pair.
Enumerates all input (BytesRef) + output pairs in an FST.
An FST Outputs<T> implementation where each output is a sequence of characters.
LUCENENET specific: This new base class is to mimic Java's ability to use nested types without specifying a type parameter. i.e. FST.BytesReader instead of FST<BytesRef>.BytesReader
Represents a single arc.
Reads bytes stored in an FST.
Represents an finite state machine (FST), using a compact byte[] format.
The format is similar to what's used by Morfologik (
See the FST package documentation for some simple examples.
Can Next() and Advance() through the terms in an FST
Helper class to test FSTs.
Holds one input/output pair.
An FST Outputs<T> implementation where each output
is a sequence of
NOTE: This was IntSequenceOutputs in Lucene
LUCENENET specific. This class is to mimic Java's ability to specify
nested classes of Generics without having to specify the generic type
(i.e. Int32sRefFSTEnum.InputOutput{T}
rather than Int32sRefFSTEnum{T}.InputOutput{T}
NOTE: This was Int32sRefFSTEnum{T} in Lucene
Holds a single input (Int32sRef) + output pair.
Enumerates all input (Int32sRef) + output pairs in an FST.
NOTE: This was IntsRefFSTEnum{T} in Lucene
Wraps another Outputs implementation and encodes one or more of its output values. You can use this when a single input may need to map to more than one output, maintaining order: pass the same input with a different output by calling Add(Int32sRef, T) multiple times. The builder will then combine the outputs using the Merge(T, T) method.
The resulting FST may not be minimal when an input has more than one output, as this requires pushing all multi-output values to a final state.
NOTE: the only way to create multiple outputs is to add the same input to the FST multiple times in a row. This is how the FST maps a single input to multiple outputs (e.g. you cannot pass a List<Object> to Add(Int32sRef, T)). If your outputs are longs, and you need at most 2, then use UpToTwoPositiveInt64Outputs instead since it stores the outputs more compactly (by stealing a bit from each long value).
NOTE: this cannot wrap itself (ie you cannot make an FST with List<List<Object>> outputs using this). @lucene.experimental
A null FST Outputs<T> implementation; use this if you just want to build an FSA.
Represents the outputs for an FST, providing the basic algebra required for building and traversing the FST.
Note that any operation that returns NO_OUTPUT must return the same singleton object from NoOutput.
PairOutputs<A, B>
An FST Outputs<T> implementation, holding two other outputs.
PairOutputs<A, B>.Pair
Holds a single pair of two outputs.
An FST Outputs<T> implementation where each output
is a non-negative
NOTE: This was PositiveIntOutputs in Lucene
An FST Outputs<T> implementation where each output
is one or two non-negative long values. If it's a
NOTE: the only way to create a TwoLongs output is to add the same input to the FST twice in a row. This is how the FST maps a single input to two outputs (e.g. you cannot pass a UpToTwoPositiveInt64Outputs.TwoInt64s to Add(Int32sRef, T). If you need more than two then use ListOfOutputs<T>, but if you only have at most 2 then this implementation will require fewer bytes as it steals one bit from each long value.
NOTE: the resulting FST is not guaranteed to be minimal! See Builder<T>.
NOTE: This was UpToTwoPositiveIntOutputs in Lucene - the data type (int) was wrong there - it should have been long
Holds two long outputs.
NOTE: This was TwoLongs in Lucene
Static helper methods.
Represents a path in TopNSearcher.
Holds a single input (Int32sRef) + output, returned by ShortestPaths<T>(FST<T>, FST.Arc<T>, T, IComparer<T>, Int32, Boolean).
Utility class to find top N shortest paths from start point(s).
Holds the results for a top N search using Util.TopNSearcher<T>
Specifies allowed range of each int input label for this FST.