Namespace Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.Impl
INTERNAL: A line between two points with a buffer distance extending in every direction. By contrast, an un-buffered line covers no area and as such is extremely unlikely to intersect with a point. BufferedLine isn't yet aware of geodesics (e.g. the dateline); it operates in Euclidean space.
A BufferedLineString is a collection of BufferedLine shapes, resulting in what some call a "Track" or "Polyline" (ESRI terminology). The buffer can be 0. Note that BufferedLine isn't yet aware of geodesics (e.g. the dateline).
A circle, also known as a point-radius, based on a IDistanceCalculator which does all the work. This implementation implementation should work for both cartesian 2D and geodetic sphere surfaces.
A circle as it exists on the surface of a sphere.
INERNAL: A buffered line of infinite length. Public for test access.
A basic 2D implementation of a Point.
INTERNAL: A numeric range between a pair of numbers. Perhaps this class could become 1st class citizen extending Shape but not now. Only public so is accessible from tests in another package.
A simple Rectangle implementation that also supports a longitudinal wrap-around. When minX > maxX, this will assume it is world coordinates that cross the date line using degrees. Immutable & threadsafe.