Class Element
The internal representation of an actual element (not an element type). An Element has an element type, attributes, and a successor Element for use in constructing stacks and queues of Elements.
Assembly: Lucene.Net.Benchmark.dll
public class Element : object
Name | Description |
Element(ElementType, Boolean) | Return an Element from a specified ElementType. |
Name | Description |
Attributes | Gets the attributes as an Attributes object. Returning an Attributes makes the attributes mutable. |
Flags | Gets the flags vector of the element's type. |
IsPreclosed | Return true if this element has been preclosed. |
LocalName | Gets the local name of the element's type. |
MemberOf | Gets the member-of vector of the element's type. |
Model | Gets the content model vector of the element's type. |
Name | Gets the name of the element's type. |
Namespace | Gets the namespace name of the element's type. |
Next | Gets or sets the next element in an element stack or queue. |
Parent | Gets the parent element type of the element's type. |
Type | Gets the element type. |
Name | Description |
Anonymize() | Make this element anonymous.
Remove any |
CanContain(Element) | Return true if the type of this element can contain the type of another element. Convenience method. |
Clean() | Clean the attributes of this element. Attributes with null name (the name was ill-formed) or null value (the attribute was present in the element type but not in this actual element) are removed. |
Preclose() | Force this element to preclosed status, meaning that an end-tag has been seen but the element cannot yet be closed for structural reasons. |
SetAttribute(String, String, String) | Set an attribute and its value into this element. |