Class XMLWriter
Filter to write an XML document from a SAX event stream.
Inherited Members
Assembly: Lucene.Net.Benchmark.dll
public class XMLWriter : XMLFilter, IXMLFilter, IXMLReader, IEntityResolver, IDTDHandler, IContentHandler, IErrorHandler, ILexicalHandler
This class can be used by itself or as part of a SAX event stream: it takes as input a series of SAX2 ContentHandler events and uses the information in those events to write an XML document. Since this class is a filter, it can also pass the events on down a filter chain for further processing (you can use the XMLWriter to take a snapshot of the current state at any point in a filter chain), and it can be used directly as a ContentHandler for a SAX2 XMLReader.
The client creates a document by invoking the methods for standard SAX2 events, always beginning with the StartDocument() method and ending with the EndDocument() method. There are convenience methods provided so that clients to not have to create empty attribute lists or provide empty strings as parameters; for example, the method invocation
is equivalent to the regular SAX2 ContentHandler method
w.StartElement("", "foo", "", new Attributes());
Except that it is more efficient because it does not allocate a new empty attribute list each time. The following code will send a simple XML document to standard output:
XMLWriter w = new XMLWriter();
w.Characters("Hello, world!");
The resulting document will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
In fact, there is an even simpler convenience method, DataElement(String, String), designed for writing elements that contain only character data, so the code to generate the document could be shortened to
XMLWriter w = new XMLWriter();
w.DataElement("greeting", "Hello, world!");
According to the XML Recommendation, all whitespace in an XML document is potentially significant to an application, so this class never adds newlines or indentation. If you insert three elements in a row, as in
w.DataElement("item", "1");
w.DataElement("item", "2");
w.DataElement("item", "3");
you will end up with
You need to invoke one of the Characters
explicitly to add newlines or indentation. Alternatively, you
can use DataWriter, which
is derived from this class -- it is optimized for writing
purely data-oriented (or field-oriented) XML, and does automatic
linebreaks and indentation (but does not support mixed content
Namespace Support
The writer contains extensive support for XML Namespaces, so that
a client application does not have to keep track of prefixes and
supply xmlns
attributes. By default, the XML writer will
generate Namespace declarations in the form _NS1, _NS2, etc., wherever
they are needed, as in the following example:
w.EmptyElement("", "foo");
The resulting document will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<_NS1:foo xmlns:_NS1=""/>
In many cases, document authors will prefer to choose their own prefixes rather than using the (ugly) default names. The XML writer allows two methods for selecting prefixes:
- the qualified name
- the SetPrefix(String, String) method.
Whenever the XML writer finds a new Namespace URI, it checks to see if a qualified (prefixed) name is also available; if so it attempts to use the name's prefix (as long as the prefix is not already in use for another Namespace URI).
Before writing a document, the client can also pre-map a prefix to a Namespace URI with the setPrefix method:
w.SetPrefix("", "foo");
w.EmptyElement("", "foo");
The resulting document will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<foo:foo xmlns:foo=""/>
The default Namespace simply uses an empty string as the prefix:
w.SetPrefix("", "");
w.EmptyElement("", "foo");
The resulting document will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<foo xmlns=""/>
By default, the XML writer will not declare a Namespace until it is actually used. Sometimes, this approach will create a large number of Namespace declarations, as in the following example:
<xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
<rdf:Description about="">
<dc:title xmlns:dc="">A Dark Night</dc:title>
<dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Jane Smith</dc:title>
<dc:date xmlns:dc="">2000-09-09</dc:title>
The "rdf" prefix is declared only once, because the RDF Namespace is used by the root element and can be inherited by all of its descendants; the "dc" prefix, on the other hand, is declared three times, because no higher element uses the Namespace. To solve this problem, you can instruct the XML writer to predeclare Namespaces on the root element even if they are not used there:
Now, the "dc" prefix will be declared on the root element even though it's not needed there, and can be inherited by its descendants:
<xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description about="">
<dc:title>A Dark Night</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Jane Smith</dc:title>
This approach is also useful for declaring Namespace prefixes that be used by qualified names appearing in attribute values or character data.
Name | Description |
XMLWriter() | Create a new XML writer. Write to standard output. |
XMLWriter(IXMLReader) | Create a new XML writer. Use the specified XML reader as the parent. |
XMLWriter(IXMLReader, TextWriter) | Create a new XML writer. Use the specified XML reader as the parent, and write to the specified writer. |
XMLWriter(TextWriter) | Create a new XML writer. Write to the writer provided. |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Characters(Char[], Int32, Int32) | Write character data. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
Characters(String) | Write a string of character data, with XML escaping. This is a convenience method that takes an XML string, converts it to a character array, then invokes Characters(Char[], Int32, Int32). |
Comment(Char[], Int32, Int32) | |
DataElement(String, String) | Write an element with character data content but no attributes or Namespace URI. This is a convenience method to write a complete element with character data content, including the start tag and end tag. The method provides an empty string for the Namespace URI, and empty string for the qualified name, and an empty attribute list. This method invokes StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes), followed by Characters(String), followed by EndElement(String, String, String). |
DataElement(String, String, String) | Write an element with character data content but no attributes. This is a convenience method to write a complete element with character data content, including the start tag and end tag. This method provides an empty string for the qname and an empty attribute list. This method invokes StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes), followed by Characters(String), followed by EndElement(String, String, String). |
DataElement(String, String, String, IAttributes, String) | Write an element with character data content. This is a convenience method to write a complete element with character data content, including the start tag and end tag. This method invokes StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes), followed by Characters(String), followed by EndElement(String, String, String). |
EmptyElement(String) | Add an empty element without a Namespace URI, qname or attributes. This method will supply an empty string for the qname, and empty string for the Namespace URI, and an empty attribute list. It invokes EmptyElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) directly. |
EmptyElement(String, String) | Add an empty element without a qname or attributes. This method will supply an empty string for the qname and an empty attribute list. It invokes EmptyElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) directly. |
EmptyElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) | Write an empty element. This method writes an empty element tag rather than a start tag followed by an end tag. Both a StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) and an EndElement(String, String, String) event will be passed on down the filter chain. |
EndCDATA() | |
EndDocument() | Write a newline at the end of the document. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
EndDTD() | |
EndElement(String) | End an element without a Namespace URI or qname. This method will supply an empty string for the qName and an empty string for the Namespace URI. It invokes EndElement(String, String, String) directly. |
EndElement(String, String) | End an element without a qname. This method will supply an empty string for the qName. It invokes EndElement(String, String, String) directly. |
EndElement(String, String, String) | Write an end tag. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
EndEntity(String) | |
Flush() | Flush the output. This method flushes the output stream. It is especially useful when you need to make certain that the entire document has been written to output but do not want to close the output stream. This method is invoked automatically by the EndDocument() method after writing a document. |
ForceNSDecl(String) | Force a Namespace to be declared on the root element. By default, the XMLWriter will declare only the Namespaces needed for an element; as a result, a Namespace may be declared many places in a document if it is not used on the root element. This method forces a Namespace to be declared on the root element even if it is not used there, and reduces the number of xmlns attributes in the document. |
ForceNSDecl(String, String) | Force a Namespace declaration with a preferred prefix. This is a convenience method that invokes SetPrefix(String, String) then ForceNSDecl(String). |
GetOutputProperty(String) | |
GetPrefix(String) | Get the current or preferred prefix for a Namespace URI. |
IgnorableWhitespace(Char[], Int32, Int32) | Write ignorable whitespace. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
ProcessingInstruction(String, String) | Write a processing instruction. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
Reset() | Reset the writer. This method is especially useful if the writer throws an exception before it is finished, and you want to reuse the writer for a new document. It is usually a good idea to invoke Flush() before resetting the writer, to make sure that no output is lost. This method is invoked automatically by the StartDocument() method before writing a new document. Note: this method will not clear the prefix or URI information in the writer or the selected output writer. |
SetOutput(TextWriter) | Set a new output destination for the document. |
SetOutputProperty(String, String) | |
SetPrefix(String, String) | Specify a preferred prefix for a Namespace URI. Note that this method does not actually force the Namespace to be declared; to do that, use the ForceNSDecl(String) method as well. |
StartCDATA() | |
StartDocument() | Write the XML declaration at the beginning of the document. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
StartDTD(String, String, String) | |
StartElement(String) | Start a new element without a qname, attributes or a Namespace URI. This method will provide an empty string for the Namespace URI, and empty string for the qualified name, and a default empty attribute list. It invokes startElement(string, string, string, Attributes)}directly. |
StartElement(String, String) | Start a new element without a qname or attributes. This method will provide a default empty attribute list and an empty string for the qualified name. It invokes StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) directly. |
StartElement(String, String, String, IAttributes) | Write a start tag. Pass the event on down the filter chain for further processing. |
StartEntity(String) |