All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AggregateCacheDependency |
Combines multiple dependencies between an item stored in an application's Cache object and an array of CacheDependency objects.
AggregateException |
This exception is thrown when multiple exceptions occur from multiple nodes.
AggregateRuntimeException |
This exception is thrown when multiple exceptions occur from multiple nodes.
AttributeIndexNotDefined |
This exception is thrown whenever Attribute index is not found in case of NamedTags
BadResponseException |
This exception is thrown whenever an API fails.
BulkExtensibleDependency |
BulkExtensibleDependency is an abstract class extended if Custom dependency is required and needs to be evaluated in Bulk.
Cache |
This interface contians the services and methods that are used to perform operations on the cache.
CacheClearedListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive cache cleared notifications.
CacheClearedNodeJsListener |
CacheClient |
CacheClient class contains information about CacheClient.
CacheClientConnectivityChangedListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive client connectivity changed notifications.
CacheCollection |
Represents a collection of the caches initialized within the same application domain.
CacheConnection |
Instance of this class can be used to define the parameters to establish connection with cache.
CacheConnectionOptions |
Instance of this class can be used to define the parameters at the time of client connection with the cache.
CacheConnectivity |
CacheDataModification |
CacheDataModificationListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive cache clear and data modification events.
CacheDependency |
Tracks cache dependencies, which can be files, directories, or keys to other
objects in application's Cache.
CacheEventArg |
This object is received when an event is raised and listener CacheDataModificationListener is executed
CacheEventArg contains necessary information to identify the event and perform necessary actions accordingly.
CacheEventDescriptor |
Instance of this class holds the link to the registered delegate
Keep it safe and use it to unregister the registered delegate when required.
CacheException |
It is the base class for all the exceptions that are thrown from NCache.
CacheHealth |
The Alachisoft.NCache.Web.Management namespace provides classes for management operations on cache
This includes the CacheHealth class, used to store cache health information.
CacheItem |
NCache uses a "key" and "value" structure for storing objects in cache.
CacheItemAttributes |
CacheItemAttributes contains the information about the cache item.
CacheItemPriority |
Specifies the relative priority of items stored in the Cache.
CacheItemVersion |
Represents the version of each cache item.
CacheLoader |
CacheLoader Interface implementation is needed to be provided at cache server in order to load items in the cache on cache initialization.
CacheManager |
Provides and manages the instance of Cache
CacheReader |
Reads one or more than forward-only stream of result sets by executing OQ commands on cache source.
CacheRuntimeException |
It is the base class for all the exceptions that are thrown from NCache.
CacheStatus |
CacheStatus that tells about cache status that either the cache is Stopped or Running
This includes the CacheStatus Enum, use to store cache Status information.
CacheStatusEvent |
CacheStatusEventListener |
Cluster Listener listens for the events related to the Clsuter.
CacheStatusNotificationType |
NCache defines a CacheStatusNotificationType enum that specifies the type of events for which cache status changed notification is registered/unregistered.
CacheStoppedListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive cache stopped notifications.
CacheStream |
CacheStream is derived from and is designed to put/fetch BLOB using standard CacheStream interface.
CacheStreamAttributes |
CacheStreamAttributes Class contains information about the CacheStream attributes.
CacheSyncDependency |
A client application can have more than one cache instances initialized.
CacheTopology |
Cache Topology tells about the cache topology
This includes the CacheTopology Enum, use to store cache Topology information.
ChannelClosedException |
This class represents the class for all exception types thrown by JGroups.
ChannelException |
This class represents the super class for all exception types thrown by JGroups.
ChannelNotConnectedException |
This class represents the class for all exception types thrown by Channel.
ClientCacheSyncMode |
Gets/Sets Enumeration to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.
ClientEnumUtil |
ClientInfo |
This class provides detailed information about cache client.
ClientInfo |
This class provides detailed information about cache client.
ClusterEvent |
ClusterEvent is used to notify interested parties that
something has happened with respect to the cluster.
CmdParamsDbType |
Specifies the type of command parameters.
CmdParamsType |
Describes the type of the parameters passed to the command.
CollectionManager |
This interface contains Create and Get operations for all collection data types
CommandException |
Throws this exception when the issue in executing command
CommandType |
Specifies how a command string is interpreted.
CompactSerializationException |
Summary description for SerializationException.
ConfigurationException |
Thrown when an exception occurs during configuration.
ConfigurationRuntimeException |
Thrown when an exception occurs during configuration.
ConnectionException |
Thrown whenever connection with cache server is lost while performing an operation on an outproc cache.
ConnectionRuntimeException |
Thrown when an exception occurs during configuration.
ConnectivityStatus |
Represents client connectivity status.
ConnectivityStatus |
Cache connectivity status contains the connectivity status of Cache nodes.
ConnectivityStatus |
Represents client connectivity status.
ContinuousQuery |
Class to hold Object query and values, intended for notifications.
Counter |
This interface contains methods and parameters for Distributed Counter.
CQEventArg |
This object is received when an even is raised and listener QueryDataModificationListener is executed
CQEventArg contains necessary information to identify the event and perform necessary actions accordingly.
Credentials |
Class that provides the security parameters for authorization.
CustomDependency |
CustomDependency reprsents the information to be passed to ExntesibleDependencyProvider to create the instance of ExtensibleDependency .
CustomDependencyProvider |
This interface should be implemented to create the instance of ExtensibleDependency.
DataSourceModifiedListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive datasource modified notifications.
DataStructureAttributes |
DataStructureAttributes contains the information about the DataStructures.
DataStructureDataChangeListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive datastructure changed notifications.
DataStructureEventArg |
DataStructureListener |
DataStructureManager |
This interface contains create and get operations for the Counter and remove operation for all distributed data structures.
DataStructureOperationType |
Enumeration that defines the operation on the data type.
DataStructureWriteOperation |
Operation for operations on created collection
DataTypeEventDataFilter |
This enum is to describe when registering a collection event, upon
raise how much data is retrieved from cache when the event is raised.
DBCacheDependency |
Establishes a relationship between an item stored in an application's Cache object
and either a specific database table.
DBDependencyFactory |
Establishes a relationship between an item stored in an application's Cache object
and either a specific database table.
DBDependencyType |
DBDependencyType enum contains the DB dependency type
DeliveryMode |
NCache provides a DeliveryOption enum which specifies how the message should be delivered to any registered subscribers.The delivery option is specified during message publishing phase.
DeliveryOption |
NCache provides a DeliveryOption enum which specifies how the message should be delivered to any registered subscribers.
DependencyChangedListener |
Implements the listener to know the change in dependency
DistributedDataStructure |
This interface contains methods and parameters required for distributed data structures.
DistributedDataStructure |
Enumeration that defines the data type.
DistributedDataStructureType |
Enumeration that defines the type of the Data Structure.
DistributedHashSet<T> |
This interface contains methods and parameters for distributed HashSet.
DistributedList<T> |
This interface contains methods and parameters for distributed List.
DistributedMap<K,V> |
This interface contains methods and parameters for distributed Map.
DistributedQueue<T> |
This interface contains methods and parameters for distrubited Queue.
DurableTopicSubscription |
Contains information about the subscribtion created
ErrorMessages |
EventArg |
Contains the necessary information related to the event being raised.
EventCacheItem |
This is a stripped down version of CacheItem .
EventDataFilter |
NCache provides an enum EventDataFilter to specify how much data should be retrieved from cache when a notification is raised.
EventType |
NCache provides an EventType enum which specifies the type of event to be registered by the user.
Expiration |
Class that provides values to specify expiration of items in cache.
ExpirationType |
The type of expiration to be used while expiring items in cache.
ExtensibleDependency |
ExtensibleDependency is an abstract class extended if Custom dependency is required.
FileDependency |
FileDependency class is used to provide file based dependency to the user.
GeneralFailureException |
Thrown when an exception occurs during a clustered operation.
GeneralFailureRuntimeException |
Thrown when an exception occurs during a clustered operation.
InternalCommandException |
Thrown when an exception occurs like ActivityBlockedException or ConnectionException.
InvalidReaderException |
Thrown whenever one of the data partition goes down
InvalidReaderRuntimeException |
Thrown whenever one of the data partition goes down.
IsolationLevel |
Specifies the Isolation level of the Cache .
JsonArray |
Class represnts JArray in JSON standards.
JsonDataType |
An enum demonstrating the type of data contained by the Json class.
JsonNull |
Represents NULL value in JSON standards
JsonObject |
Class represents JObject in JSON standards
JsonValue |
Maps values other than JObject and JArray in JSON standards to primitive value types.
JsonValueBase |
An abstract class which acts as the base class for all JSON based types in NCache.
JsonValueType |
An enum demonstrating the manner of containment of data by the Json class.
KeyDependency |
KeyDependency class is used for providing key based dependency in the cache.
KeyDependencyType |
An enumeration that defines the operation upon which key dependency is to be triggered.
LicensingException |
LicensingException is thrown when Either license has expired or some
error occurred during the validation of license.
LicensingRuntimeException |
LicensingException is thrown when Either license has expired or some error occurred during the validation of license.
ListenerType |
This enum provides onfo about the behavior of the notifications.
LoaderState |
LocalVerificationFailedException |
Summary for LocalVerificationFailedException
Lockable |
This interface contains methods and parameters required for locking data structures.
LockHandle |
An instance of this class is used to lock and unlock the cache items in pessimistic concurrency model.
LockingException |
LockingException is thrown on Insert/Remove operation if the item is locked and incorrect Lockid
is specified.
LogLevel |
Defines the level of logging you want to use.
MaxClientReachedException |
This exception is thrown whenever an error occurs on remote node.
MemberJoinedListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive member joined notifications.
MemberLeftListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive member left notifications.
Message |
A message contains the actual data object which is sent by the publisher and delivered to the interested subscribers for the topic.
MessageEventArgs |
Arguments containing details of received message including topic, sender and type.
MessageFailedEventArgs |
Arguments containing message failure information.
MessageFailureReason |
The reason for failed message delivery.
MessageReceivedListener |
User need to implement this interface in order to receive the message received events.
MessagingService |
This interface contains properties and methods required for Messaging Service.
NamedTagsDictionary |
Represents a dictionary that can be associated with the cache items to provide extra information so that items are grouped together and can be queried efficiently based on the provided information.
NCDateTime |
Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.
NodeStatus |
NodeStatus Class contains Node Status related information in it.
NonQueryIndexed |
Indicates that a field or property of a query indexable class should not be indexed.
Notifiable |
This interface contains methods for registering and unregistering notifactions for data structures.
NotificationService |
This interface contains properties and methods required for a Notification Service.
NotSupportedException |
Throws when a specific Item is not supported in NCache Java Client
OperationFailedException |
Thrown whenever an API fails.
OperationFailedRuntimeException |
OperationFailedRuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown runtime operation failed.
OperationNotSupportedException |
This exception is thrown when an operation is not supported in the current edition of NCache.
OperationNotSupportedRuntimeException |
This exception is thrown when an operation is not supported in the current edition of NCache.
OperationResult |
OperationResult contains the result of the operation that is manipulated after the Read/WriteThru Provider
OperationResult.Status |
Status contains the Operation Status flag that is either success/Failure/FailureRetry/FailureDontRemove
OracleCacheDependency |
Establishes a relationship between an item stored in an application's Cache object
and either a row in a specific Oracle database table or the results of a Oracle query.
OracleCmdParams |
Holds the type and value of the parameters passed to the command instance.
OracleCmdParamsType |
Describes the type of the parameters passed to the Oracle command.
OracleCommandType |
Describes the type of the Oracle command passed to the OracleDependency.
OracleParameterDirection |
Describes whether the passed parameters are output parameters or input parameters.
ParserException |
This exception is thrown when an exception occurs during configuration.
PayLoadDeserializationJson |
ProviderCacheItem |
ProviderCacheItem is just like a CacheItem , but it has some limited fields.
ProviderDataStructureItem<TValue> |
ProviderDataStructureItem is just like a CacheItem , but it has some limited fields
ProviderItemBase |
ProviderCacheItem is just like a CacheItem , but it has some limited fields
QueryCommand |
Class to hold query text and values.
QueryDataModificationListener |
User has to implement this interface in order to receive Continuous query events.
QueryDataModified |
QueryIndexable |
Indicates that dynamic query indexes be created on all supported fields and properties of this class.
QueryIndexed |
Indicates that a dynamic query index be created on the field or property of the class.
ReadMode |
Enumeration that defines the read mode if item is not found in cache.
ReadThruOptions |
Class that defines the fetch operation on cache can read from data source if item not found.
ReadThruProvider |
Contains methods used to read an object by its key from the master data source.
RefreshPreference |
This enumeration allow a user to specify when to refresh the corresponding dataset.
RemoteException |
This exception is thrown whenever an error occurs on remote node.
ResyncOptions |
ResyncOptions class contain information for the items that would be resynced after expiration from the Read-Thru provider.
SearchService |
This interface contains properties and methods required for Search Service.
SecurityException |
Thrown when a user does not have the permissions to start/stop/initialize the cache.
SecurityRuntimeException |
This exception is thrown when a user does not have the permissions to start/stop/initialize the cache.
SerializationUtil |
ServerInfo |
Provide connection information for the client to the server node in cache.
ServerNode |
ServerNode contains information about a single node in server.
SqlCacheDependency |
Establishes a relationship between an item stored in an application's Cache object
and either a row in a specific SQL Server database table or
the results of a SQL Server query.
SqlCmdParams |
Holds the information about the type and value of the parameters passed to the command.
SqlCmpOptions |
Specifies the SQL compare options.
SqlCommandType |
Describes the type of the command passed to the SqlDependency.
SqlDataRowVersion |
Sets the DataRowVersion to use when you load Value.
SqlParamDirection |
Sets the SQL param direction.
StateTransferInProgressException |
Thrown when a user does not have the permissions to start/stop/initialize the cache.
StateTransferInProgressRuntimeException |
Exception thrown error in state transfer
StreamAlreadyLockedException |
StreamAlreadLockedException is thrown if stream is already locked.
StreamCloseException |
StreamCloseException is thrown if a write operation is performed on closed CacheStream
StreamException |
StreamException is thrown if any error occurs during operation on CacheStream.
StreamInvalidLockException |
StreamInvalidLockException is thrown if the current lock handle becomes invalid.
StreamMode |
Represents the modes for opening a cache stream.
StreamNotFoundException |
StreamNotFoundException is thrown if a CacheStream is not found in the cache.
SubscriptionPolicy |
Defines the policy used in case of Durable subscription.
Tag |
Represents an string based identifier that can be associated with the cache items so that they are logically grouped together and can be retrieved efficiently.
TagSearchOptions |
Enumeration that defines the tag search options.
TimeSpan |
Represents a time interval.
Topic |
The Topic interface facilitates creating subscription and publishing of messages against the topic.
TopicDeleteEventArgs |
Arguments containing deleted topic information.
TopicListener |
User needs to implement this interface in order to receive topic deleted and message delivery failure events.
TopicPriority |
Specifies the relative priority of topics stored in the Cache.
TopicSearchOptions |
Specifies the option through which the topic is searched by.
TopicSubscription |
NCache provides ITopicSubscription interface which is returned against the desired topic,containing information for topic subscriptions.
TypeIndexNotDefined |
This exception is thrown whenever Type Index is not found in case of NamedTags.
WriteBehindOpResult |
Result of data source operation.
WriteBehindOpStatus |
Enumeration that defines the staus of write behind operation.
WriteMode |
Enumeration that defines the update operation on cache can update data source.
WriteOperation |
WriteOperation is used with DSWriteOperation to get an operation to perform on cache.
WriteOperationBase |
Base class of the write operation.
WriteOperationType |
Used to log the operations type in Write behind
WriteThruOptions |
Class that defines write-through options regarding updating the data source.
WriteThruProvider |
Contains methods used to save/update an object to the master data source.