Counter Behavior and Usage in Cache
A counter is a single long-value data structure stored in the cache. You can increment, decrement, lock, and have events registered against it. For example, a counter can be used to store the views every time a video is viewed on a social media site. It can also be used to store subscriptions against a website where people can subscribe or unsubscribe.
NCache further enhances this counter by providing NCache-specific features such as Groups, Tags, Expiration, Locking, Dependencies, and more. For example, you can specify a counter against the group SubscriptionDetails which can contain customer objects as well as the subscription counter.
- Null is not a supported value type.
- Counters are named. Hence, you need to provide a unique cache key for a counter.
- To learn about the standard prerequisites required to work with all NCache client-side features, please refer to the given page on Client-Side API Prerequisites.
- For API details, refer to: ICache, ICounter, IDataTypeManager, CreateCounter, SetValue, Increment, IncrementBy, Decrement, DecrementBy, GetCounter, ICollectionManager, RegisterNotification, DataTypeDataNotificationCallback, EventType, DataTypeEventDataFilter, Lock, Unlock.
Create Counter
The following code sample shows how a counter can be created in the cache using CreateCounter
against the cache key SubscriptionCounter.
You can also configure searchable attributes such as Groups/Tags/Named Tags and invalidation attributes such as Expiration/Eviction/Dependency while creating a data structure.
// Precondition: Cache must be connected
// Specify unique cache key for counter
string key = "SubscriptionCounter";
// Set initial value of counter
long initialValue = 15;
// Create counter
ICounter counter = cache.DataTypeManager.CreateCounter(key, initialValue);
Fetch and Update the Value of the Counter
You can update the value of a counter after its creation. The following code sample fetches a counter from the cache using GetCounter
and sets its value to another value, using SetValue
. It then increments its value using Increment
or IncrementBy
and decrements its value using Decrement
or DecrementBy
// Unique key for counter
string key = "SubscriptionCounter";
// Get counter against key
ICounter retrievedCounter = cache.DataTypeManager.GetCounter(key);
// Set value of counter to 100
// Increment value
long newValue = retrievedCounter.Increment();
// Decrement value
newValue = retrievedCounter.Decrement();
// Increment value by number of 10
newValue = retrievedCounter.IncrementBy(10);
// Decrement value by number of 5
newValue = retrievedCounter.DecrementBy(5);
To ensure the operation is fail-safe, it is recommended to handle any potential exceptions within your application, as explained in Handling Failures.
Event Notifications on Counters
You can register cache events, key-based events, and data structure events on a data structure such as a counter. For behavior, refer to feature wise behavior.
The following code sample registers a cache event of ItemAdded
and ItemUpdated
as well as registers an event for ItemAdded
and ItemUpdated
on the counter in the cache.
Once a counter is created in the cache, an ItemAdded
cache-level event is fired. However, once an item is added to the counter, an ItemAdded
data structure event is fired, and an ItemUpdated
cache level event is fired.
Register Event on Counter Created
// Unique cache key for counter
string key = "SubscriptionCounter";
// Set initial value of counter
long initialValue = 15;
// Create counter
ICounter counter = cache.DataTypeManager.CreateCounter(key, initialValue);
// Register ItemAdded, ItemUpdated, ItemRemoved events on counter created
// DataTypeNotificationCallback is callback method specified
counter.RegisterNotification(DataTypeDataNotificationCallback, EventType.ItemAdded |
EventType.ItemUpdated | EventType.ItemRemoved,
// Perform operations
Specify Callback for Event Notification
private void DataTypeDataNotificationCallback(string collectionName, DataTypeEventArg collectionEventArgs)
switch (collectionEventArgs.EventType)
case EventType.ItemAdded:
// Item has been added to the collection
case EventType.ItemUpdated:
if (collectionEventArgs.CollectionItem != null)
// Item has been updated in the collection
// Perform operations
case EventType.ItemRemoved:
// Item has been removed from the collection
Locking Counter
Counters can be explicitly locked and unlocked to ensure data consistency. The following code sample creates a counter and locks it for a period of 10 seconds using Lock and then unlocks it using Unlock.
// Counter exists with key "SubscriptionCounter"
// Cache Key
string key = "SubscriptionCounter";
// Get counter against key
ICounter counter = cache.DataTypeManager.GetCounter(key);
// Lock counter for 10 seconds
bool isLocked = counter.Lock(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
if (isLocked)
// Counter is successfully locked for 10 seconds
// Unless explicitly unlocked
// Counter is not locked because either:
// Counter is not present in the cache
// Counter is already locked
Additional Resources
NCache provides a sample application for the counter data structure on GitHub.
See Also
.NET: Alachisoft.NCache.Client.DataTypes namespace.
Java: com.alachisoft.ncache.client.datastructures namespace.
Python: ncache.client.datastructures class.
Node.js: Counter class.