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import collections
from ncache.runtime.util.EnumUtil import EnumUtil
from ncache.util.ExceptionHandler import ExceptionHandler
from ncache.util.JavaInstancesFactory import *
from ncache.client.CacheReader import CacheReader
from ncache.client.QueryCommand import QueryCommand
from ncache.client.enum.TagSearchOptions import TagSearchOptions
from ncache.runtime.caching.Tag import Tag
from ncache.util.TypeCaster import TypeCaster
from ncache.util.ValidateType import ValidateType
class SearchService:
This class contains properties and methods required for Search Service.
def __init__(self, value):
self.__searchservice = value
def get_instance(self):
return self.__searchservice
def set_instance(self, value):
self.__searchservice = value
def execute_non_query(self, querycommand):
Executes Delete statements on cache. Returns number of affected rows after query is executed.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values.
:type querycommand: QueryCommand
:return: Number of rows affected after query is executed.
:rtype: int
ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_non_query)
javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance()
result = self.__searchservice.executeNonQuery(javaquerycommand)
if result is not None:
result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)
return result
def execute_reader(self, querycommand, getdata=None, chunksize=None):
Performs search on the cache based on the query specified. Returns list of key-value pairs in a data reader
which fulfills the query criteria. This key-value pair has cache key and its respective value.You can specify
the flag for specifying if you want data with keys.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values.
:type querycommand: QueryCommand
:param getdata: Flag to indicate whether the resulting values have to be returned with keys or not.
:type getdata: bool
:param chunksize: Size of data/keys packets received after search, default value is 512*1024 KB.
:type chunksize: int
:return: Reads forward-only stream of result sets of the query executed on cache.
:rtype: CacheReader
ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_reader)
javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance()
if getdata is not None and chunksize is not None:
ValidateType.type_check(getdata, bool, self.execute_reader)
ValidateType.is_int(chunksize, self.execute_reader)
javagetdata = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(getdata)
javachunksize = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(chunksize)
result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand, javagetdata, javachunksize)
elif getdata is None and chunksize is None:
result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand)
raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.execute_reader"))
if result is not None:
qc = CacheReader("DummyQuery")
return qc
return result
def execute_scalar(self, querycommand, objtype):
Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
Additional columns or rows are ignored.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values.
:type querycommand: QueryCommand
:param objtype: Specifies the type of value obtained from the cache.
:type objtype: type
:return: The first column of the first row in the result set, or None if the result set is empty.
:rtype: object
ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_scalar)
ValidateType.type_check(objtype, type, self.execute_scalar)
javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance()
pythontype, javatype = TypeCaster.is_java_primitive(objtype)
usejsonconversoin = False
if javatype is None:
if isinstance(objtype(), collections.Collection):
javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonArray")
javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonObject")
usejsonconversoin = True
result = self.__searchservice.executeScalar(javaquerycommand, javatype)
if result is not None:
if not usejsonconversoin:
result = pythontype(result)
result = TypeCaster.deserialize(result, objtype, isjsonobject=True)
return result
def remove_by_tag(self, tag):
Removes the cached objects with the specified tag.
:param tag: A Tag to search cache with.
:type tag: Tag
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tag)
javatag = tag.get_instance()
def remove_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions):
Removes the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tags: List of tags to search cache with.
:type tags: list
:param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags.
:type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions
ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag)
ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.remove_by_tags)
for tag in tags:
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tags)
javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags)
javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value)
self.__searchservice.removeByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions)
def get_by_tag(self, tag, wildcardexpression=None):
Gets all the cached items with the specified tag.
:param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with.
:type tag: Tag
:param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with.
:type wildcardexpression: str
:return: A Map containing the cache keys and associated objects with the type specified.
:rtype: dict
if tag is not None and wildcardexpression is None:
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tag)
javatag = tag.get_instance()
result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javatag)
elif tag is None and wildcardexpression is not None:
ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_by_tag)
javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression)
result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javawildcardexpression)
raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_by_tag"))
if result is not None:
result = self.__result_to_dict(result)
return result
def get_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions):
Returns the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags.
:type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions
:param tags: List of tags to search cache with.
:type tags: list
:return: Cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:rtype: dict
ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag)
ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_by_tags)
for tag in tags:
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tags)
javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags)
javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value)
result = self.__searchservice.getByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions)
if result is not None:
result = self.__result_to_dict(result)
return result
def get_keys_by_tag(self, tag=None, wildcardexpression=None):
Gets all keys of the objects with the specified tag.
:param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with.
:type tag: Tag
:param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with.
:type wildcardexpression: str
:return: List containing the cache keys.
:rtype: list
if wildcardexpression is not None and tag is None:
ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_keys_by_tag)
javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression)
result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javawildcardexpression)
elif wildcardexpression is None and tag is not None:
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tag)
javatag = tag.get_instance()
result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javatag)
raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_keys_by_tag"))
if result is not None:
result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True)
return result
def get_keys_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions):
Returns keys of the cached items that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tags: List of tags to search cache with.
:type tags: list
:param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags.
:type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions
:return: Collection containing the cache keys.
:rtype: list
ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_keys_by_tags)
for tag in tags:
ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tags)
javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags, isjavatype=False)
javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value)
result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions)
if result is not None:
result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True)
return result
def get_group_data(self, group):
Retrieves the key and value pairs of the specified group.
:param group: Name of group whose data is to be returned.
:type group: str
:return: A Dict containing key-value pairs of the specified group.
:rtype: dict
ValidateType.type_check(group, str, self.get_group_data)
javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group)
result = self.__searchservice.getGroupData(javagroup)
if result is not None:
result = self.__result_to_dict(result)
return result
def remove_group_data(self, group):
Remove the data items pertaining to the specified group from cache.
:param group: Name of group whose data is to be removed.
:type group: str
ValidateType.is_string(group, self.remove_group_data)
javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group)
def get_group_keys(self, group):
Retrieves the keys of the items in the specified group.
:param group: Name of group whose keys are to be returned.
:type group: str
:return: List of keys of the group.
:rtype: list
ValidateType.is_string(group, self.get_group_keys)
javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group)
result = self.__searchservice.getGroupKeys(javagroup)
if result is not None:
result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True)
return result
def __result_to_dict(javabulkmap, objtype=None):
pythondict = {}
for item in javabulkmap:
key = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(item)
pythontype = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(javabulkmap[item])
if pythontype is not None:
pythondict[key] = pythontype
pythondict[key] = TypeCaster.deserialize(javabulkmap[item], objtype, isjsonobject=True)
return pythondict
class SearchService (value)
This class contains properties and methods required for Search Service.
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class SearchService: """ This class contains properties and methods required for Search Service. """ def __init__(self, value): self.__searchservice = value def get_instance(self): return self.__searchservice def set_instance(self, value): self.__searchservice = value def execute_non_query(self, querycommand): """ Executes Delete statements on cache. Returns number of affected rows after query is executed. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :return: Number of rows affected after query is executed. :rtype: int """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_non_query) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.executeNonQuery(javaquerycommand) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result) return result def execute_reader(self, querycommand, getdata=None, chunksize=None): """ Performs search on the cache based on the query specified. Returns list of key-value pairs in a data reader which fulfills the query criteria. This key-value pair has cache key and its respective value.You can specify the flag for specifying if you want data with keys. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param getdata: Flag to indicate whether the resulting values have to be returned with keys or not. :type getdata: bool :param chunksize: Size of data/keys packets received after search, default value is 512*1024 KB. :type chunksize: int :return: Reads forward-only stream of result sets of the query executed on cache. :rtype: CacheReader """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_reader) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() if getdata is not None and chunksize is not None: ValidateType.type_check(getdata, bool, self.execute_reader) ValidateType.is_int(chunksize, self.execute_reader) javagetdata = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(getdata) javachunksize = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(chunksize) result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand, javagetdata, javachunksize) elif getdata is None and chunksize is None: result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.execute_reader")) if result is not None: qc = CacheReader("DummyQuery") qc.set_instance(result) return qc return result def execute_scalar(self, querycommand, objtype): """ Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param objtype: Specifies the type of value obtained from the cache. :type objtype: type :return: The first column of the first row in the result set, or None if the result set is empty. :rtype: object """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_scalar) ValidateType.type_check(objtype, type, self.execute_scalar) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() pythontype, javatype = TypeCaster.is_java_primitive(objtype) usejsonconversoin = False if javatype is None: if isinstance(objtype(), collections.Collection): javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonArray") else: javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonObject") usejsonconversoin = True result = self.__searchservice.executeScalar(javaquerycommand, javatype) if result is not None: if not usejsonconversoin: result = pythontype(result) else: result = TypeCaster.deserialize(result, objtype, isjsonobject=True) return result def remove_by_tag(self, tag): """ Removes the cached objects with the specified tag. :param tag: A Tag to search cache with. :type tag: Tag """ ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() self.__searchservice.removeByTag(javatag) def remove_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Removes the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions """ ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag) ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.remove_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) self.__searchservice.removeByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions) def get_by_tag(self, tag, wildcardexpression=None): """ Gets all the cached items with the specified tag. :param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: A Map containing the cache keys and associated objects with the type specified. :rtype: dict """ if tag is not None and wildcardexpression is None: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javatag) elif tag is None and wildcardexpression is not None: ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_by_tag) javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression) result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javawildcardexpression) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_by_tag")) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result def get_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Returns the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :return: Cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :rtype: dict """ ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag) ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) result = self.__searchservice.getByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result def get_keys_by_tag(self, tag=None, wildcardexpression=None): """ Gets all keys of the objects with the specified tag. :param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: List containing the cache keys. :rtype: list """ if wildcardexpression is not None and tag is None: ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_keys_by_tag) javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression) result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javawildcardexpression) elif wildcardexpression is None and tag is not None: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javatag) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_keys_by_tag")) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result def get_keys_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Returns keys of the cached items that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :return: Collection containing the cache keys. :rtype: list """ ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_keys_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags, isjavatype=False) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result def get_group_data(self, group): """ Retrieves the key and value pairs of the specified group. :param group: Name of group whose data is to be returned. :type group: str :return: A Dict containing key-value pairs of the specified group. :rtype: dict """ ValidateType.type_check(group, str, self.get_group_data) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) result = self.__searchservice.getGroupData(javagroup) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result def remove_group_data(self, group): """ Remove the data items pertaining to the specified group from cache. :param group: Name of group whose data is to be removed. :type group: str """ ValidateType.is_string(group, self.remove_group_data) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) self.__searchservice.removeGroupData(javagroup) def get_group_keys(self, group): """ Retrieves the keys of the items in the specified group. :param group: Name of group whose keys are to be returned. :type group: str :return: List of keys of the group. :rtype: list """ ValidateType.is_string(group, self.get_group_keys) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) result = self.__searchservice.getGroupKeys(javagroup) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result @staticmethod def __result_to_dict(javabulkmap, objtype=None): pythondict = {} for item in javabulkmap: key = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(item) pythontype = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(javabulkmap[item]) if pythontype is not None: pythondict[key] = pythontype else: pythondict[key] = TypeCaster.deserialize(javabulkmap[item], objtype, isjsonobject=True) return pythondict
def execute_non_query(self, querycommand)
Executes Delete statements on cache. Returns number of affected rows after query is executed.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :return: Number of rows affected after query is executed. :rtype: int
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def execute_non_query(self, querycommand): """ Executes Delete statements on cache. Returns number of affected rows after query is executed. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :return: Number of rows affected after query is executed. :rtype: int """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_non_query) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.executeNonQuery(javaquerycommand) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result) return result
def execute_reader(self, querycommand, getdata=None, chunksize=None)
Performs search on the cache based on the query specified. Returns list of key-value pairs in a data reader which fulfills the query criteria. This key-value pair has cache key and its respective value.You can specify the flag for specifying if you want data with keys.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param getdata: Flag to indicate whether the resulting values have to be returned with keys or not. :type getdata: bool :param chunksize: Size of data/keys packets received after search, default value is 512*1024 KB. :type chunksize: int :return: Reads forward-only stream of result sets of the query executed on cache. :rtype: CacheReader
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def execute_reader(self, querycommand, getdata=None, chunksize=None): """ Performs search on the cache based on the query specified. Returns list of key-value pairs in a data reader which fulfills the query criteria. This key-value pair has cache key and its respective value.You can specify the flag for specifying if you want data with keys. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param getdata: Flag to indicate whether the resulting values have to be returned with keys or not. :type getdata: bool :param chunksize: Size of data/keys packets received after search, default value is 512*1024 KB. :type chunksize: int :return: Reads forward-only stream of result sets of the query executed on cache. :rtype: CacheReader """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_reader) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() if getdata is not None and chunksize is not None: ValidateType.type_check(getdata, bool, self.execute_reader) ValidateType.is_int(chunksize, self.execute_reader) javagetdata = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(getdata) javachunksize = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(chunksize) result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand, javagetdata, javachunksize) elif getdata is None and chunksize is None: result = self.__searchservice.executeReader(javaquerycommand) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.execute_reader")) if result is not None: qc = CacheReader("DummyQuery") qc.set_instance(result) return qc return result
def execute_scalar(self, querycommand, objtype)
Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored.
:param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param objtype: Specifies the type of value obtained from the cache. :type objtype: type :return: The first column of the first row in the result set, or None if the result set is empty. :rtype: object
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def execute_scalar(self, querycommand, objtype): """ Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored. :param querycommand: QueryCommand containing query text and values. :type querycommand: QueryCommand :param objtype: Specifies the type of value obtained from the cache. :type objtype: type :return: The first column of the first row in the result set, or None if the result set is empty. :rtype: object """ ValidateType.type_check(querycommand, QueryCommand, self.execute_scalar) ValidateType.type_check(objtype, type, self.execute_scalar) javaquerycommand = querycommand.get_instance() pythontype, javatype = TypeCaster.is_java_primitive(objtype) usejsonconversoin = False if javatype is None: if isinstance(objtype(), collections.Collection): javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonArray") else: javatype = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("JsonObject") usejsonconversoin = True result = self.__searchservice.executeScalar(javaquerycommand, javatype) if result is not None: if not usejsonconversoin: result = pythontype(result) else: result = TypeCaster.deserialize(result, objtype, isjsonobject=True) return result
def get_by_tag(self, tag, wildcardexpression=None)
Gets all the cached items with the specified tag.
:param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: A Map containing the cache keys and associated objects with the type specified. :rtype: dict
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def get_by_tag(self, tag, wildcardexpression=None): """ Gets all the cached items with the specified tag. :param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: A Map containing the cache keys and associated objects with the type specified. :rtype: dict """ if tag is not None and wildcardexpression is None: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javatag) elif tag is None and wildcardexpression is not None: ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_by_tag) javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression) result = self.__searchservice.getByTag(javawildcardexpression) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_by_tag")) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result
Returns the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :return: Cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :rtype: dict
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def get_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Returns the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :return: Cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :rtype: dict """ ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag) ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) result = self.__searchservice.getByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result
def get_group_data(self, group)
Retrieves the key and value pairs of the specified group.
:param group: Name of group whose data is to be returned. :type group: str :return: A Dict containing key-value pairs of the specified group. :rtype: dict
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def get_group_data(self, group): """ Retrieves the key and value pairs of the specified group. :param group: Name of group whose data is to be returned. :type group: str :return: A Dict containing key-value pairs of the specified group. :rtype: dict """ ValidateType.type_check(group, str, self.get_group_data) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) result = self.__searchservice.getGroupData(javagroup) if result is not None: result = self.__result_to_dict(result) return result
def get_group_keys(self, group)
Retrieves the keys of the items in the specified group.
:param group: Name of group whose keys are to be returned. :type group: str :return: List of keys of the group. :rtype: list
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def get_group_keys(self, group): """ Retrieves the keys of the items in the specified group. :param group: Name of group whose keys are to be returned. :type group: str :return: List of keys of the group. :rtype: list """ ValidateType.is_string(group, self.get_group_keys) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) result = self.__searchservice.getGroupKeys(javagroup) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result
def get_instance(self)
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def get_instance(self): return self.__searchservice
def get_keys_by_tag(self, tag=None, wildcardexpression=None)
Gets all keys of the objects with the specified tag.
:param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: List containing the cache keys. :rtype: list
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def get_keys_by_tag(self, tag=None, wildcardexpression=None): """ Gets all keys of the objects with the specified tag. :param tag: Name of tag to search the cache items with. :type tag: Tag :param wildcardexpression: The wild card Expression to search with. :type wildcardexpression: str :return: List containing the cache keys. :rtype: list """ if wildcardexpression is not None and tag is None: ValidateType.is_string(wildcardexpression, self.get_keys_by_tag) javawildcardexpression = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(wildcardexpression) result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javawildcardexpression) elif wildcardexpression is None and tag is not None: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTag(javatag) else: raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("SearchService.get_keys_by_tag")) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result
Returns keys of the cached items that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :return: Collection containing the cache keys. :rtype: list
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def get_keys_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Returns keys of the cached items that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions :return: Collection containing the cache keys. :rtype: list """ ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.get_keys_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.get_keys_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags, isjavatype=False) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) result = self.__searchservice.getKeysByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions) if result is not None: result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=True) return result
def remove_by_tag(self, tag)
Removes the cached objects with the specified tag.
:param tag: A Tag to search cache with. :type tag: Tag
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def remove_by_tag(self, tag): """ Removes the cached objects with the specified tag. :param tag: A Tag to search cache with. :type tag: Tag """ ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tag) javatag = tag.get_instance() self.__searchservice.removeByTag(javatag)
Removes the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions.
:param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions
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def remove_by_tags(self, tags, tagsearchoptions): """ Removes the cached objects that have tags with specified TagSearchOptions. :param tags: List of tags to search cache with. :type tags: list :param tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions specifies the search type for the tags. :type tagsearchoptions: TagSearchOptions """ ValidateType.type_check(tagsearchoptions, TagSearchOptions, self.get_by_tag) ValidateType.type_check(tags, list, self.remove_by_tags) for tag in tags: ValidateType.type_check(tag, Tag, self.remove_by_tags) javatags = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(tags) javatagsearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_tag_search_options(tagsearchoptions.value) self.__searchservice.removeByTags(javatags, javatagsearchoptions)
def remove_group_data(self, group)
Remove the data items pertaining to the specified group from cache.
:param group: Name of group whose data is to be removed. :type group: str
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def remove_group_data(self, group): """ Remove the data items pertaining to the specified group from cache. :param group: Name of group whose data is to be removed. :type group: str """ ValidateType.is_string(group, self.remove_group_data) javagroup = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(group) self.__searchservice.removeGroupData(javagroup)
def set_instance(self, value)
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def set_instance(self, value): self.__searchservice = value