Watch this video from Channel 9 featuring Iqbal Khan with Microsoft’s Seth Juarez about NoSQL databases in 100% .NET native environments, with .NET using NosDB as an example of configuring and monitoring shards, clusters, and nodes. Channel 9 features videos for developers from the people building Microsoft products and services. We are happy to contribute to the Channel 9 community.
NCache is an Open Source In-Memory Distributed Cache that is ideal for high transaction .NET and Java applications. NCache is extremely fast and linearly scalable and caches application data to reduce expensive database trips. Use NCache to remove performance bottlenecks and scale your applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). NCache also provides dynamic clustering, intelligent data replication, and live persistence for high availability.
NCache is industry's only 100% native .NET caching solution and all other solutions including Redis are non-native to .NET.