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E-Government Industry Use Case

Governments are eager to explore different ways to integrate digital technology, knowledge, and assets. Making this data publicly available is critical for Governments. NCache, In-memory distributed datastore and cache, can be an effective instrument to help governments become more responsive to users, improve city services, and make cities more voter friendly.

To truly “democratize the data” would ultimately require a better, more conscious effort to make this initiative more inclusive and participatory to all citizens. NCache’s (In-Memory Distributed Cache for .NET) unique features make it a top choice for publishing and maintaining government data. Rich with features and capabilities that allow for horizontal scaling both in terms of available storage space and performance processing power, NCache is the best choice. Older technologies are struggling to cope and live up to promises. If your entity is unable to deliver on requirements to provide information, consider using NCache.

Featured Customers

NCache Use Case - Department of State
NCache Use Case - Austrailian Government
NCache Use Case - PA.Gov

Consider these NCache use cases for true high availability and elastic scalability:

Scaling Relational Data

Relational databases are the typical systems of record for government records. However, they cannot scale to the massive demands of access by the government. NCache is an extremely fast and scalable distributed cache that lets you improve your application performance and scalability. Unlike a relational database that quickly becomes a bottleneck, NCache scales linearly by letting you add more cache servers to increase transaction capacity. NCache provides powerful database synchronization features where the cache updates itself when data changes in the relational database and vice versa. Each feature is geared toward a specific type of usage and collectively they handle a variety of scenarios for synchronization with the database.

Meeting tight SLAs for E-Gov

NoSQL Databases can scale out but need help to meet tight SLAs for E-Governments. NCache provides sub-millisecond response times to its clients. This speed comes from a number of reasons. First, NCache is an in-memory distributed cache having datastore, in-memory processing and session storage capabilities. Secondly, NCache can keep the cache close to the application in the form of Client Cache. Client Cache can even be InProc to the client application while at the same time synchronizing with the clustered cache. NCache can help scale databases and meet SLAs with "read-through" and "write-through" capabilities to scale persistence combined with the ability to handle enormous workloads.

Out of Box Messaging Capabilities

Many server applications today need to coordinate work with other applications and share messages and data in an asynchronous manner. For high transaction environments, NCache is an ideal candidate for asynchronous event driven communications. NCache provides a rich set of features to cater to the needs of these applications including Pub/Sub Messaging, Continuous Queries, Item Level Events, and Cache Level Events.

Runtime Data Sharing among various Data Sources

Your organization is likely to have dozens of data sources and many of these would be in legacy frameworks. Recoding or rewriting the code is probably not best cost efficient and time efficient way. Runtime data sharing between multiple data sources become a major challenge over time. NCache can serve as data fabric and dynamic data sharing can be used. NCache can share the data between various versions of an object, either from the same platforms or different platforms at runtime. Runtime data sharing between multiple data sources can happen on common business data or continuous streams of data and NCache can manage needs to process it and share results with other applications, all at runtime.

No Vendor Lock-In & Support

Government organizations are grossly overcharged and often face vendor lock-in challenges and architectural constraints. NCache Professional and NCache Enterprise are cost effective compared to other in Memory Distributed Cache solution providers. NCache is available for free in Open Source and growing community is available for support. NCache Professional and NCache Enterprise come bundled with premium support and SLAs to meet government needs. NCache uses widely known caching topologies and technologies, which can be used in NCache Open Source, hence no vendor lock in.

Data Security & Encryption

NCache provides powerful security and encryption features that help ensure that your cache is protected from unauthorized access and your sensitive application data is secured both in the cache store and also during the transmission over network between your application and the cache servers. Establish secured connections to cache via SSL/TSL. NCache has authentication and authorization capabilities. You can encrypt data using 3DES, AES-128/AES-192/AES-256.

Why NCache?

Many government entities now have a duty to make data public to help citizens in relation to issues it serves. Government entities have strict SLAs for website response and also for total time taken to find information requested. The entire software stack is aimed at meeting these requirements. The data can be stored in Relational Databases or NoSQL databases and stored in NCache for fast retrieval.

What to Do Next?

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