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NCache Cloud Pricing Calculator

Pay as You Go and 1 Year Reserved

NCache Cloud in Azure / AWS offers both client-server and server-only licensing. For NCache Cloud prices in Azure / AWS, please click the link below:

Below are some Microsoft Excel files that help you quickly calculate not only the number of client licenses, server licenses, and server-only licenses that you need for your NCache Cloud deployment but also the cost for them. You can see the cost for both Pay as You Go and 1-Year Reserved.

Below is a sample cost calculation for NCache Enterprise Cloud and NCache Professional Cloud.

NCache Enterprise Cloud Cost (Sample)

The goal of the sample cost below is to show you a typical scenario. Please use cost calculator Excel sheet above for your calculations.

  Prod (Env) Staging (Env)
Number of Cache Servers (Server-only)
Clients are free
2 2
Server-only Plan (select) ENT-16 Plan (16GB, 8 vCPUs) ENT-8 Plan (8GB, 4 vCPUs)
Number of Licenses (Server-only) 10 8
Pay as You Go Cost (Monthly)    
Env NCache Cloud License Cost $2,633 $2,106
Env VM Cost (Windows) (Azure) $1,118 $133
Env VM Cost (Windows) (AWS) $987 $162
Env VM Cost (Linux) (Azure) $581 $121
Env VM Cost (Linux) (AWS) $450 $121
Total Env Cost (Windows) $3,751 (Azure)
$3,620 (AWS)
$2,239 (Azure)
$2,268 (AWS)
Total Env Cost (Linux) $3,214 (Azure)
$3,082 (AWS)
$2,228 (Azure)
$2,228 (AWS)
1-Year Reserved Cost (Annual)    
Env NCache Cloud License Cost $19,745 $15,796
Env VM Cost (Windows) (Azure) $10,789 $995
Env VM Cost (Windows) (AWS) $9,846 $1,402
Env VM Cost (Linux) (Azure) $4,341 $855
Env VM Cost (Linux) (AWS) $3,399 $911
Total Env Cost (Windows)
(~37% saving)
$30,534 (Azure)
$29,591 (AWS)
$16,791 (Azure)
$17,198 (AWS)
Total Env Cost (Linux)
(~37% saving)
$24,086 (Azure)
$23,144 (AWS)
$16,651 (Azure)
$16,707 (AWS)
Annual Maintenance & Support Included in Price Included in Price
24x7 Support (1-Year Reserved Only) 15% of total 15% of total
Contact Us for Pricing & Sizing

Our technical experts can guide you about sizing your configuration for optimal performance.

NCache Professional Cloud Cost (Sample)

The only difference in cost between Azure and AWS is the underlying Virtual Machine (VM) cost.

  Prod (Env) Staging (Env)
Number of Cache Servers (Server-only)
Clients are free
2 2
Server-only Plan (select) PRO-8 Plan (8GB, 4 vCPUs) PRO-4 Plan (4GB, 2 vCPUs)
Number of Licenses (Server-only) 6 4
Pay as You Go Cost (Monthly)    
Env NCache Cloud License Cost $876 $584
Env VM Cost (Windows) (Azure) $133 $72
Env VM Cost (Windows) (AWS) $162 $88
Env VM Cost (Linux) (Azure) $121 $61
Env VM Cost (Linux) (AWS) $121 $61
Total Env Cost (Windows) $1,009 (Azure)
$1,037 (AWS)
$656 (Azure)
$671 (AWS)
Total Env Cost (Linux) $997 (Azure)
$997 (AWS)
$644 (Azure)
$644 (AWS)
1-Year Reserved Cost (Annual)    
Env NCache Cloud License Cost $6,567 $4,378
Env VM Cost (Windows) (Azure) $995 $568
Env VM Cost (Windows) (AWS) $1,402 $788
Env VM Cost (Linux) (Azure) $855 $427
Env VM Cost (Linux) (AWS) $911 $456
Total Env Cost (Windows)
(~37% saving)
$7,562 (Azure)
$7,969 (AWS)
$4,946 (Azure)
$5,166 (AWS)
Total Env Cost (Linux)
(~37% saving)
$7,422 (Azure)
$7,478 (AWS)
$4,805 (Azure)
$4,834 (AWS)
Annual Maintenance & Support Included in Price Included in Price

Contact Us

Contact us for pricing. Our technical experts can guide you about sizing your configuration for optimal performance.

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United States +1 (214) 764-6933
Europe +44 20 7993 8327
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