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This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise and Professional editions.

Add-Node cmdlet enables the users to add a new server node to the existing clustered cache on specified server. It also enables users to have multiple server nodes in a clustered cache.

Add-Node [-CacheName] -ExistingServer -NewServer [-NoLogo] [-Password] [-Port] [-UserId]

These properties are explained in detail in the Properties section.


  • This command adds a new node to the cache named demoCache existing on server node which already exists.
Add-Node -CacheName demoCache -ExistingServer -NewServer
  • This command adds a new node to the cache named demoCache existing on server node which already exists using the port number 8251 since it is not using the default port,
Add-Node demoCache -ExistingServer -NewServer -Port 8251


Note: The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.

Parameters Data Types Description Default Value
-CacheName* <String> Specifies the name of the clustered cache on which the node is to be added. Note that the Cache must be existing on the source server. -
-ExistingSever* <String> Specifies a server name where the NCache service is running and a cache with the specified cache-name is registered. Cache configuration is copied from this server to the destination server. -
-NewServer* <String> Specifies a server name where a cache with the specified cache-name needs to be registered. The cache configuration is copied from the source server name to this server. -
-Port <Integer> Specifies the port on which the NCache server is listening if the server channel is not using the default port. 8250
-UserId <String> Specifies the User Id used to authorize a user if security is enabled on cache server. This User Id must be the same as the active directory user credentials. -
-Password <String> Specifies the password against the user Id; to authorize a user if security is enabled on cache server. This password must be the same as active directory password. -
-NoLogo <SwitchParameter> Suppresses display of the logo banner. False