Resolve No READ Access to Perflib Subkeys
Once the Registry of the monitored computer has been connected to the Performance Monitor (PerfMon), the account on the monitored computer needs READ access to the subkeys used by PerfMon. To determine who has access to the PerfMon data in the Registry, the computer uses ACL for the Perflib/LanguageID
subkey. In this Registry, LanguageID is the numeric code for the spoken language installed with Windows NT.
The Perflib/LanguageID
subkey is located in the following Registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Perflib
By default, both EVERYONE
groups have only READ access to the Perflib key. You have to provide full access to the accounts in these groups on the Perflib key.
Permissions can be enabled on the CurrentVersion/Perflib
key by following these steps:
You need to start regedit on the machine that needs to be monitored.
Right click on Perflib. In the list, go to the option that says Permissions.
You will see both
groups here. Give full control to Local Service and Everyone users. In case you can't find these accounts under Permissions, you will have to manually add them.After these users have been added and are provided full control successfully, go to Control Panel -> Services and restart Remote Registry service.
The machine can now be remotely monitored.
See Also
Computer Name Not Found
Diskperf Not Installed
Unable to Connect to Remote Server