AWS Deployment: Enable Programmatic Deployment
The enable programmatic deployment step is necessary when deploying servers. Additionally, deploying resources for AMI-based products come with an extra step.
The user first needs to accept the terms and conditions, which in turn enables the user to deploy resources based on those AMI using third-party tools like the NCache Cloud Portal. So, we create scripts, using which, the user can accept the relevant terms and conditions for the AMI to be deployed.
Steps to Enable Programmatic AWS Deployment
Folow the steps mentioned below to enable programmatic deployment:
- After authorization, use the Click Here buttons - provided to access the AWS Marketplace in open in a new tab - to subscribe to the AMI offer of your choice by clicking Continue to subscribe. For instance you can use the following section to subscribe to NCache's Windows offer.
- After subscribing you will be led to the following screen, where you need to choose to Continue to Configuration:
- Upon choosing to configure, you will get the following screen, where you need to set your Fulfillment Option, Software Version and Region before choosing Continue to Launch.
- Check the sections for "I have subscribed to NCache AMI offers in the AWS Marketplace" on the Authorize Deployment User page and click on Next. After which you will have to confirm your AMI subsciption status.
Subscribing to an AMI is only to enable programmatic deployment and does not incur any extra charges.