

This interface contains properties and methods required for a Notification Service.


# new NotificationService()


# (async) addCacheClearedListener(listener)

Add event for notifying applications when the Cache is cleared.

Name Type Description
listener CacheClearedListener

The listener that is invoked whenever the cache is cleared.

# (async) addCacheConnectivityChangedListener(listener)

Add event for notifying the application about the status of cache client connectivity.

Name Type Description
listener CacheClientConnectivityChangedListener

The listener that is invoked when client connectivity status changes.

# (async) addCacheStatusEventListener(cacheStatusEventListener, statusNotificationTypes)

Add event for notifying applications when the Cache status is changed.

Name Type Description
cacheStatusEventListener CacheStatusEventListener

class object to add callback method

statusNotificationTypes CacheStatusNotificationType

The enumset that specifies the events that listener is registered with.

# (async) removeCacheClearedListener(listener)

Remove event for notifying applications when the Cache is cleared.

Name Type Description
listener CacheClearedListener

The listener that is registered with the cache cleared event.

# (async) removeCacheConnectivityChangedListener(listener)

Remove event for notifying the application about the status of cache client connectivity.

Name Type Description
listener CacheClientConnectivityChangedListener

The listener that was registered with client connectivity changed event.

# (async) removeCacheStatusEventListener(cacheStatusEventListener, statusNotificationTypes)

Remove event for notifying applications when the Cache status is changed.

Name Type Description
cacheStatusEventListener CacheStatusEventListener

class object to callback method

statusNotificationTypes CacheStatusNotificationType

The enumset that specifies the events that listener is unregistered with.