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Sample Programs for NCache

Basic Operations

This .NET sample program explains the working of basic NCache operations like Add, Update, Insert, Remove and Delete.

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Asynchronous Operations

This .NET sample program explains the working of basic NCache operations like Add, Insert and Remove can be performed asynchronously.

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Bulk Operations

This .NET sample program explains how basic NCache operations like Add, Insert, Update, Remove and Delete can be performed in bulk.

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Cache Item Versioning

This .NET sample program explains NCache's cache item version feature in detail. You can insert an item in cache and then if you have to add the same item in cache, it must have the same version as the previously added Item.

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Custom Events

This .NET sample program explains working of selective and Cache level events. When an operation is performed on any cache item all clients who have notified interest in that item (or key) is informed via notification.

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Compact Serialization

This .NET sample program explains NCache's compact serialization feature. NCache generates serialization code and compiles it in-memory when your application connects to the cache. This code is used to serialize objects.

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Continous Query

This .NET sample program elaborates Continuous Query (CQ). You can specify criteria and register it with the cache cluster. When an item is added to the cache cluster and it matches the criteria, you receive an event against that item.

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Custom Dependency

This .NET sample program explains NCache custom dependency feature which allows you to implement a custom dependency and monitor custom data source for any changes. When the data is changed, you fire a dependency update within NCache which causes the corresponding cached item to be removed from the cache.

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Database Synchronization

This .NET sample program explains working of NCache database synchronization. NCache allows you to specify dependencies between cached items and data in the database. Then, whenever that data in the database changes, the cache becomes aware of it and either invalidates its data or reloads a new copy.

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This elaborates the different dependencies specified by NCache and their functionalities. These dependencies are key based dependency, file based dependency, SQL dependency, Oracle dependency and database dependency.

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Backing Source

This .NET sample program explains working of backing sources like read-through, write-through and write-behind.

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Entity Data Model Integration Demo

This NCache sample program shows how you can plug-in NCache to your Entity Framework application, run it in analysis mode, and quickly see all the queries being used by it.

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This .NET sample program explains working of selective and Cache level events. When an operation is performed on any cache item all clients who have notified interest in that item (or key) is informed via notification.

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Groups and Tags

This explains how to query a cache item based on unique identifiers like tag(s) and group(s). You can query the cache using NCache API for a particular tag/group, and it returns all the cache items having that tag or in that group.

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Session Store Provider

This NCache sample program demonstrates the working of a web-based numeric guessing game. The game progresses on a number intially specified.

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Item Locking

This sample program depicts how you can lock item(s) in the cache. Lock is used to exclusively lock a cached item so nobody else can read or write it. This item stays locked until either the lock expires or it is unlocked.

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This NCache sample program explains LINQ, which is a popular object querying language in .NET. NCache has implemented a LINQ provider which allows you to search the cache with LINQ queries.

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This .NET sample program demonstrates how NCache can be used as an NHibernate second level cache. It also demonstrates NCache's database synchronization feature which allows you to synchronize classes with database.

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Northwind Demo

This NCache sample program uses Northwind database and demonstrates basic database operations on Northwind.

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NOutput Cache

This sample .NET program explains NCache's ASP.NET Output Cache provider implementation. It allows you to cache ASP.NET page output in a distributed cache and share it in a web farm.

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View State

This sample .NET program explains NCache's ASP.NET view state provider implementation. It allows you to cache ASP.NET view state in a distributed cache to increase performance.

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Object Query Language

This sample program explains Object Query Language (OQL) with which you can search the cache. Search criteria can include object attributes (e.g. = 'New York') and you can also include Tags and Named Tags in the query language.

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Streaming API

You can stream large objects (e.g. movie or audio files), using NCache streaming API. With this API, you can get chunks of data and pass upward one chunk at a time.

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