Class GroupingSearch
Convenience class to perform grouping in a non distributed environment. @lucene.experimental
Assembly: Lucene.Net.Grouping.dll
public class GroupingSearch : object
Name | Description |
GroupingSearch(ValueSource, IDictionary) | Constructs a GroupingSearch instance that groups documents by function using a ValueSource instance. |
GroupingSearch(Filter) | Constructor for grouping documents by doc block. This constructor can only be used when documents belonging in a group are indexed in one block. |
GroupingSearch(String) | Constructs a GroupingSearch instance that groups documents by index terms using the FieldCache. The group field can only have one token per document. This means that the field must not be analysed. |
Name | Description |
DisableCaching() | Disables any enabled cache. |
GetAllGroupHeads() | Returns the matching group heads if SetAllGroupHeads(Boolean) was set to true or an empty bit set. |
GetAllMatchingGroups() | If SetAllGroups(Boolean) was set to |
GetAllMatchingGroups<T>() | If SetAllGroups(Boolean) was set to |
GroupByDocBlock<TGroupValue>(IndexSearcher, Filter, Query, Int32, Int32) | |
GroupByFieldOrFunction<TGroupValue>(IndexSearcher, Filter, Query, Int32, Int32) | |
Search(IndexSearcher, Filter, Query, Int32, Int32) | Executes a grouped search. Both the first pass and second pass are executed on the specified searcher. |
Search(IndexSearcher, Query, Int32, Int32) | Executes a grouped search. Both the first pass and second pass are executed on the specified searcher. |
Search<TGroupValue>(IndexSearcher, Filter, Query, Int32, Int32) | Executes a grouped search. Both the first pass and second pass are executed on the specified searcher. |
Search<TGroupValue>(IndexSearcher, Query, Int32, Int32) | Executes a grouped search. Both the first pass and second pass are executed on the specified searcher. |
SetAllGroupHeads(Boolean) | Whether to compute all group heads (most relevant document per group) matching the query. This feature isn't enabled when grouping by doc block. |
SetAllGroups(Boolean) | Whether to also compute all groups matching the query. This can be used to determine the number of groups, which can be used for accurate pagination. When grouping by doc block the number of groups are automatically included in the TopGroups and this option doesn't have any influence. |
SetCaching(Int32, Boolean) | Enables caching for the second pass search. The cache will not contain more than the maximum specified documents. The cache is filled during the first pass searched and then replayed during the second pass searched. If the cache grows beyond the specified limit, then the cache is purged and not used in the second pass search. |
SetCachingInMB(Double, Boolean) | Enables caching for the second pass search. The cache will not grow over a specified limit in MB. The cache is filled during the first pass searched and then replayed during the second pass searched. If the cache grows beyond the specified limit, then the cache is purged and not used in the second pass search. |
SetFillSortFields(Boolean) | Whether to also fill the sort fields per returned group and groups docs. |
SetGroupDocsLimit(Int32) | Specifies the number of documents to return inside a group from the specified groupDocsOffset. |
SetGroupDocsOffset(Int32) | Specifies the offset for documents inside a group. |
SetGroupSort(Sort) | Specifies how groups are sorted. Defaults to RELEVANCE. |
SetIncludeMaxScore(Boolean) | Whether to include the score of the most relevant document per group. |
SetIncludeScores(Boolean) | Whether to include the scores per doc inside a group. |
SetInitialSize(Int32) | Sets the initial size of some internal used data structures. This prevents growing data structures many times. This can improve the performance of the grouping at the cost of more initial RAM. The SetAllGroups(Boolean) and SetAllGroupHeads(Boolean) features use this option. Defaults to 128. |
SetSortWithinGroup(Sort) | Specified how documents inside a group are sorted. Defaults to RELEVANCE. |