Azure Deployment: Enable Programmatic Deployment
The Enable Programmatic Deployment step is required when deploying servers. Deploying resources for image-based products come with an extra step.
The user needs to first accept terms and conditions, which in turn enables the user to deploy resources based on those images using third-party tools like the NCache Cloud Portal. So, we create scripts, using which, the user can accept those terms and conditions for images that are going to be deployed.
Steps to Enable Programmatic Azure Deployment
- On the basis of the information you provided in the previous tab, the NCache Cloud Portal will auto generate a user script to create your Deployment User in Azure.
- Copy the script by clicking Copy Script button.
- Click on Launch Azure CLI button to open command line for script execution.
- Make sure to select Powershell instead of Bash, when prompted by Azure.
You will be required to create a Storage Account, as it is required by Azure CLI.
Paste the copied script and press Enter to execute the script.
- After successfully executing the script, tick the checkbox and click on Next to proceed further.
- On clicking Go to Dashboard, you will be led to the the NCache Cloud Portal Subscription Dashboard displaying your subscription details and deployed servers, if you have any.
See Also
Resource Configuration
Automatic User Creation
Manual User Creation